Chapter 54

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The elevator descended slowly into the underground shaft, its mechanisms groaning with every centimeter. Liz found herself lost in thought, realizing she was once again risking her life for the mission. But this time, there was something more personal at stake: finding information about the decontamination process. In her mind, there were only two options: continue living as a normal human, free from the taint of this curse, or die. Bowing to Friedrich Holzmann was simply not an option.

With a sudden jolt, the elevator came to a stop on the first floor, and the loud thud triggered lights that flickered down a sloping corridor. They moved forward, entering an area lined with ancient bookshelves, housing tomes that had survived for centuries. The air was thick with the scent of dried papyrus, and each step they took stirred up clouds of dust. An eerie stillness filled the room, laced with a sense of looming danger.

Liz glanced at the piece of paper the librarian had given her—a map of the area, with key sections marked in ink. A guide number was listed beside each, which would help them locate the texts they needed.

"Alright," Liz said firmly, raising her submachine gun. "We're here, now..." She bit her lip, trying to think of a strategy to find the books.

Suddenly, from the shadows of the old bookshelves, a chilling wail echoed—inhuman and filled with despair. The tortured sound made Liz freeze. She immediately took cover behind one of the stone pillars supporting the ceiling, and Nick followed her lead. From the left, the source of the wail appeared: a hulking, hunchbacked figure with decaying, greenish flesh. It staggered forward, draped in a brown hood that hung to its waist, dragging a massive axe across the floor, the clanging sound filling the hallway. Flanking it were two grotesque, flayed figures, their shrill cries piercing the gloom.

"They're everywhere," whispered Anika, who, unlike the agents, made no attempt to hide.

Nick crouched behind a shelf, waiting for the right moment to strike.

"Those monsters... they'll leave soon," the girl said, her blue eyes void of emotion as she glanced at Liz. "They'll move to the other side... soon."

The creatures moved past them, disappearing into a larger, equally dark space, just as Anika had predicted.

"We gotta do something," Liz whispered urgently to Nick. But he remained focused, staring down the hallway, unsure if they could truly outsmart these demons.

Before Nick could respond, Anika boldly stepped out of hiding, clutching the paper Wolfgang had given to Liz in her small hands. She walked down the hallway without hesitation, showing no concern for the lurking dangers. Liz's protective instincts kicked in, but the girl's steady gaze urged her to follow. Against her better judgment, Liz obeyed, trusting that Anika would use her strange powers. Nick, meanwhile, looked far from pleased—he clearly wasn't comfortable with a child leading two highly trained agents.

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