Chapter 86

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Rescuing an old friend

Destiny was written, the moment to put an end to the second dark age had arrived. The destruction of Dr. Klaus Günther's body had unleashed the wrath of every living being in the gates of the underworld, only their instincts counted to complete their mission.

Once again, destiny had divided the group, Liz and Jake had left in search of Mr. Holzmann, leaving Nick alone in search of one of the possible survivors of the cataclysm in the depths of darkness. Kira's equipment had been divided, Nick had kept the bow and arrows. Using his transmitter he was trying to detect the source of the signal emitted by one of the presumed survivors; after the casualties of Captain Bunde, Tobias Fritz and most likely his cousin, he was not willing to leave any of his companions behind.

Nick searched every corner of the dreaded corridors of the Holzmann mansion, each one held secrets and revelations more sinister than the last, objects fabricated from human parts, Machiavellian renaissance style paintings among others.

He had had a brief conversation with Andreas and Steffi, they were now leading the group towards one of the exits awaiting instructions from the American agents for the attack, on the way, they had suffered an attack by the Blutsauger and a bone breaker. The name of the agent who was presumed alive was Tim Lehmann, from his pager he had emitted a distress signal after his comrades had left him for dead. Nick was on his trail and, without much trouble, arrived at the point where the group had been the victims of the attack. He identified two corpses of the members of his group and another of the Americans, although most of the bodies belonged to the detestable beasts that had initiated the attack. The officer picked up his radio transmitter and sought to communicate with Andreas.

"This is Berger speaking, what is your status Deisler," asked the German police lieutenant.

"Berger, I have reached the point where you reported the disappearance," said Nick, "I am checking every point in the area, there is no sign of life. Something big could be hiding around here, I'm requesting that you send me a couple of agents".

"For the moment that won't be so easy Deisler" replied Andreas "several of them lost their lives, only officer Lehmann responded to our call almost an hour after our departure. We have found a way out of the hill near the peaks, it goes to a point of interest near the forest, like a temple area".

"That's interesting, but it's Sharrow and Abu-Jamal who are on their way to Friedrich Holzmann," answered Nick, "get in touch with them immediately, I'll keep looking for officer Lehmann, consider sending me a couple of agents, I need support" unexpectedly, Nick's pager emitted another distress message, it came indeed from Tim, "Berger, I'll leave you, it seems that I found something important".

The probability that it was some kind of trap had not been ruled out, and with that idea in mind, Nick took the initiative to undertake this difficult mission so as not to expose his companions. He hoped that the Americans would succeed in accomplishing their objective; it depended on it that their struggle would not be in vain.

The corridor had the air of a dungeon or a musty basement that connected to a kind of cave, just by analyzing its appearance he deduced that this had been a possible escape route to the outskirts of the evil hill. Amidst the mounds of blood and filth, there was a massive and prominent lump that especially caught his attention, resembling an obese man; a Knochenbrecher "bone breaker", most likely another indication that the withering attack that resulted in the loss of many lives had taken place there. There was no movement in the area, the goo he stepped on as he approached the monster was undoubtedly its blood, it was dead and covered in multiple blast and bullet wounds, there was one detail that did not go unnoticed to the officer's eye, something had delivered a bestial bite to the beast's stomach, it was unquestionably some animal that had been touched by the curse and might be nearby.

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