Several disappearances and unexplained events have been registered shorty after the commercialization of an ancient statue linked to some legends from a mysterious place called "Reich der Finsternis" in eastern Germany, there is no know route leadin...
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Concentration Camp, Room 301
Shrouded in confusion, Anika slowly opened her eyes. The last memory she held onto was of Liz's distressed face, contorted with the effects of the dark blood as Dr. Günther had led them into a shadowy sector of the library at Henoth am Hausmännin. Now, she lay on a stiff, uncomfortable bed. Her vision, initially blurred, began to focus until the shapes around her sharpened: a gloomy, dimly lit room with yellowed walls streaked by damp stains and cracks. The air was thick with an acrid smell of antiseptics. Rusted metal tables held surgical tools, while a desk cluttered with documents crowded a corner, amplifying the room's decayed ambiance.
"Finally awake, dear Anika," came a woman's voice from her right. Anika turned her head to see a blonde woman in her forties, wearing glasses and a white lab coat, her gaze fixed on Anika with a twisted smile.
"Where am I... who are you?" Anika managed, still dazed, rubbing her eyes. The woman's expression remained calmly detached.
"I'm Dr. Brigitte Langenberg," she introduced herself, "an associate of Dr. Günther's, whom I assume you're acquainted with." Anika gave a faint nod, still too groggy to process her unease.
The doctor approached, gently taking Anika's arm where a basic dressing covered her skin. "We took a blood sample from you," she continued in an unnervingly matter-of-fact tone. "Our studies indicate your blood is somewhat compatible with that of the subjects carrying dark blood." A slight, crooked smile formed as she tapped a finger on her chin. "But... you show no signs of the rot."
Anika assessed the doctor; there was no trace of contamination in her. To Anika, she seemed purely human. She put her hands to her face, curling into a fetal position on the bed. She'd felt a shadowy force stalking her for days, though its intentions eluded her. With no memory of her own life, all she knew was the fearful reaction her presence provoked in the villagers of Bien and Gumprecht. At times, she wondered if she might truly be some specter. Yet she managed to hold herself together better than many who had fallen to the Holzmanns' wrath. Somewhere deep down, she hoped Liz and Nick were searching for her. Patience was all she had left.
As Dr. Langenberg filled out forms, the room's light flickered, casting even harsher shadows on the peeling walls and decaying surfaces. Anika noticed the grayish distortion in the air around her—a telltale sign of an unwanted presence. The door opened, revealing a blond man in a doctor's coat. His face wore a strained expression, though he wasn't the source of the malignant aura. Behind him, two soldiers entered, each clad in green uniforms and medieval white masks fashioned as demons. Only their yellowing eyes were visible through the masks, while their exposed skin showed scars and raw, twisted malformations. Anika knew that the faces beneath those masks were far more monstrous.
Upon their arrival, Dr. Langenberg stood up. "Dr. Larsson," she greeted, her voice laced with a disturbing cheerfulness, "you have the reports?" Dr. Larsson nodded reluctantly as one of the soldiers nudged him with the barrel of a Mauser rifle.