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29 September, 1999

DFPD "Dark Forest Police Department" was one of the most secret agencies of American intelligence agents in the United States, named after its location in the state of Connecticut near New York. Its members were mostly agents of the FBI or other American counter-terrorist agencies such as the United States Navy and even SWAT who worked together to investigate the strangest and darkest cases.

The agency did not only operate within the United States. In its usual fight against dangerous lunatics and similar things, it also operated against dangerous conspiracies throughout the world; their agents had already visited all five continents.

How can we forget the persecutions against organized groups of sects, organ trafficking and so on, drug trafficking, however, was the DEA's business. But no case is comparable to the events of a mysterious place located in the southeast of Germany, between Saxony, Thuringia and Bavaria.

For months the DFPD had been investigating the Warren family, especially its last descendant, Mark Warren, who had recently secured a dealer in the United States for the sale of items allegedly found at a site known as Reich der Finsternis. Since the news came out in the media, many of the individuals involved and others in various parts of the continent. The coordinates of the site were presented by Warren's right-hand man, Mr. David Rowland, who days later disappeared along with his entire family. There is talk of disappearances linked to paranormal events and murders, something difficult to believe for many, but those were the cases handled by the institution.

Leading the case were two of the best agents of the institution: Richard Sharrow, better known as Rick, very committed to his work and son of a renowned former FBI agent, and Jacke Abu-Jamal, an African-American anti-terrorist agent who until then had led several operations in Asia and Africa, known among his colleagues for his cheerfulness and sarcasm in the face of any adversity.

Their siblings were also involved in Elizabeth Sharrow, better known as Liz; although female and very young, she was one of the most talented, courageous and well-determined, although she never left sentimentality aside. And on Jake's side, there was Bernard Abu-Jamal, also a very talented and strong agent and a gentleman in every sense of the word, although both Rick and Jake agreed that he needed better training on the emotional side.

The group had located the coordinates of the blissful place known as Reich der Finsternis according to Warren and Rowland's accounts and were organizing an intelligence operation in the area anticipating that the American hostages would be in the area, they expected only a meeting with the director of the organization, Derrick Williams. Slowly, Jake and Rick made their way to Mr. Williams' office.

"Gentlemen," said the man, inviting them to take a seat in his dark and neglected office, "first of all, I would like to congratulate you on your research. All this about the relics of Reich der Finsternis and more.

"Your appreciation for our work is acknowledged, Commander Williams" expressed Rick, "my sister's reports have also been crucial in this investigation, I must recognize that without her collaboration this mission would not have advanced significantly since our last meeting. She and Bernard have investigated in the homes of the missing people here in the country."

"I know, agent Sharrow, and we have taken that into account," answered Williams addressing Jake, "I know that you were at the forefront of these raids and operations, directing your brother and our dearest agent miss Sharrow," Rick did not like to be referred to that way about his sister, "I think the trip to Germany is a fact, we are confident that there we can find several of our people and put an end to this tragedy. We already have a contact that will provide us with everything, agent Timo Glock has contacted our pilot, Steve Harris, to transport the agents to the indicated point, we will send some of our agents and a reinforcement platoon in case backup is required, we cannot arouse suspicions."

"Wait a minute," Jake stopped him, getting up abruptly, "what do you mean by transporting some agents to the breached area and a platoon, it sounds to me like there will be a group leading the operation while Rick and I will have to stay here preparing popcorn while they inform us of all the details. Come on, we have devoted two months to this case."

"Don't question me Abu-Jamal," warned Commander Williams, "I give the orders here and you follow them. Indeed, I need you two here in logistics operations, and it will be your siblings, Elizabeth Sharrow and Bernard Abu-Jamal who will participate in this operation."

"With all due respect to you and my friend Jake," Rick mentioned pointing to his friend, "I trust Liz a lot, and also Bernard, although something inside me tells me that this operation will involve events that perhaps in his philosophy and beliefs he is not ready to face. Besides, someone must lead the group."

"That's right," said Commander Williams, "but from what I'm telling you it won't be either of you two leading the operation, we already have someone for that," Jake and Rick waited for the answer, "it will be Agent Max Allen."

Not being called to the operation in Germany had already been a source of displeasure for the agents, but it was this news that took their anger levels to the maximum. Agent Max Allen had participated in several operations against killers and animal traffickers in the United States, but he was not known for his skills, but rather for being an insufferable braggart who only sought to show off his skills, many of which were non-existent.

"This must be a goddamn joke" grumbled Rick "I understand Liz going to the operative, but are you really gonna let that jerk Allen run her and Bernard. I don't want to imagine him trying to take advantage of my sister."

"Exactly," Jake jumped, "Agent Allen has done nothing for this organization, Rick or I should be going in his place, I have a good fluency in German, I can be of help to them."

"I'm sorry, gentlemen," said Williams angrily, "but my decision has been made. Elizabeth Sharrow, Bernard Abu-Jamal will be led by Max Allen in this operation, a backup platoon will be in behind them and you will oversee choosing the best ones. I need both of you here, especially you Rick," he said pointing at him, "now, if there is nothing more to say, I beg you to leave my office, I have things to do."

Reluctantly, Rick and Jake left Commander Williams' office. Sending Liz and Bernard to the operative in his place was one thing, but choosing Max as their leader, what was going through the commander's mind, they wondered as they walked to their desks.

"This doesn't look good, Sharrow, he said, Rick," Jake excused himself, "I know that Max Allen, he has no leadership skills or anything, he's a selfish fucking asshole, he'll bring our brothers to us in pieces.

"I know," said Rick pouring himself a cup of coffee, "I'll stay here in the barracks, but you, Jake, you're going on that raid."

"But you heard that motherfucker!"

"I know!" he replied, "but first I'm fired before I leave our family at the hands of anything. You know I don't trust Allen, so here's what we'll do. You will go on a commercial flight with Lufthansa, under the pretext of investigating the disappearances of German citizens in their condominiums, I will pay for your ticket and cover for you here. I will put you in touch with Steve, neither Liz nor Bernard will know that you are on your way. I have good friends among the agents who will be backing you up, and they will contact you in case something happens. I trust you, Jake. Something stinks here, if Williams wants Allen as leader instead of one of us, there must be a reason."

Jake shook Rick's hand outwardly, making it clear that he would not let him down.

"I'll take special care of your little sister," Jake joked.

"I'll take it on the friendly side," Rick said.

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