Several disappearances and unexplained events have been registered shorty after the commercialization of an ancient statue linked to some legends from a mysterious place called "Reich der Finsternis" in eastern Germany, there is no know route leadin...
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Happy meeting
Thousands of doubts and thoughts rushed through Liz's mind like a wild gust of wind. Seeing the German agents with Anika felt like the calm after a storm. But the sight of Bernard's brother was, for her, like the sun breaking through the most dreadful darkness she had endured in the past two days.
"Jake!" Liz exclaimed, her face lighting up with relief and joy. "But how...?"
Jake's trademark mischievous grin spread across his face, as if nothing extraordinary had just happened. Still, there was a faint shadow in his expression, a subtle departure from his usual over-the-top confidence. Normally, he would've jumped at the chance to crack one of his typical jokes. Like during their last meeting at headquarters in Louisiana, when he'd teased her for taking this mission instead of him. Back then, he'd promised her that while she was off on this adventure, he'd have all the time in the world to enjoy his coffee and organize one of her so-called "legendary impromptu parties"—the ones her family begged her not to attend. "And just in case," he had added with his signature smirk, "here's a survival kit for the bad days ahead."
As Liz processed his unexpected presence, her American partner gently brought her back to the present.
"Two whole days without a single word from you—not one report since your last contact with Max," he said, gripping her shoulders lightly. "You didn't think we'd just sit around playing poker and let you have all the fun, did you, Lizzie? Besides, Steve and the others were tired of me cleaning them out."
She managed a small laugh, though it didn't quite reach her eyes, and rubbed her forehead. Documenting missions thoroughly had always been her strong suit. But what had happened this time? It was far from the kind of story she'd ever want written down. Normally, she wasn't fond of the nickname "Lizzie," but right now, she didn't care. She was just happy to see him.
"How did you even get in here?" she asked, glancing from Jake to the German agents. "Are you working together?"
"No," Tobias answered, his faint smile tinged with discomfort. "As we mentioned, Commander Eberhard knows nothing about this, and we doubt he'd approve." He shifted uneasily, hiding his hands and rifle while briefly averting his gaze. "We met Jake on the road not long after Deisler called us. At first, we thought he was one of the inmates, but once he identified himself... we realized he was one of yours. Even though we can't formally collaborate anymore... at least you're not alone now."
The thought of having this much support—and of having Anika safe with them—felt like a small victory. Weak but observant, Liz studied the little girl. Despite her sorrowful expression, the child's demeanor suggested a quiet strength, a reassurance she clung to. There was no immediate danger, or so it seemed. Still, the young woman couldn't shake the feeling that Günther or one of his followers was already on her trail.
As Steffi tended to Liz with gentle precision, she couldn't help but reflect on how long it had been since anyone had shown her such care.
"I infiltrated one of their campers," Jake chimed in, answering the earlier question still lingering in the air. He casually adjusted the pistol in his hand. "It's just me for now. The operation was risky enough; we didn't want to raise suspicion. But I can call in reinforcements to get us all out of here—once we've secured the hostages, of course. So, tell me, how are you holding up?"