Chapter 37

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Max's sentence

The threatening glances of the demons were withering, to such an extent that pointing a gun at their critical areas became a challenge for the agents. One of them was watching them with a face that seemed to melt like candle wax. The hideous beings were approaching them at a slow pace, viewing them with disdain and displaying those frightening smiles characteristic of a psychopath who is about to torture his victim to satisfy his depraved pleasures. Liz was making an effort to control her emotions as was Bernard, who couldn't find an easy target to aim at as he felt the threat closing in on them forming a circle that was progressively decreasing in diameter.

"My God" Bernard faltered with hasty sighs while he watched as one of the anthropomorphic beings with a rotten face and covered with long black hair came towards him with a sword. Another of them, with a similar demeanor, had long claws that protruded like blades.

After a few frightening roars among the beings, they wielded their weapons making it clear that their preparation time was over and they were ready to attack; within a few minutes there were already more than ten of them in the area. One of the wolf-like demons with black hair ran towards them wielding a sword while another sought to pierce them with a spear. Liz and Bernard fired together at the closest threats hitting several areas of their bodies, causing the beings to collapse to the ground. The beings did not give up while the agents tried to finish them off at any cost. The monsters ran towards them with their insatiable desire to annihilate, although the agents managed to hold them back with their shots; after a while of the confrontation they were forced to reload their weapons, being then when the creatures detected a state of vulnerability that they took advantage of.

One of them ran up to Bernard with his sword at the agent's neck, although he managed to evade the blow by moving aside and stopping the attack after grabbing the demon by the arm he used to strike; he snatched the weapon and used it to pierce his heart. Liz could feel how another one of them ran towards her with his spear while reloading, but she could only respond with an upward kick that hit him in his deformed face to make him fall later with a few shots in his forehead. As they made others fall, the remaining ones developed more savage behaviors; one of the beasts, taller than the others, with his guard suit, extended his hands that transformed into terrible claws in the blink of an eye.

"We can't take them all" Bernard complained, catching his breath.

"We must change our strategy!" suggested Liz, although the tension of the moment was so strong that it was difficult to develop a plan. Liz visualized the area in detail until she realized that a huge chandelier hung from the top of the dome, which they had overlooked at the beginning after their attention was focused on the frescoes "Bernard! You stay here and keep them distracted while I go upstairs."

"What?" asked Bernard trembling without taking his eyes off the demons and without understanding what his companion was up to, although before he could get an answer, Liz was already on her way upstairs while the threat was focused on Bernard. One of the triangular reddish-faced beings ran after Liz, although she managed to eliminate it easily by firing from her rear.

The situation became increasingly tense for Bernard; each time he aimed at the nearest monster, another of them took the lead wielding their weapons, so that their encounter was limited for seconds to looking for the easiest target and retreating succumbing to the terrifying faces. Meanwhile, the demons were gathering, hoping to neutralize Bernard in order to slice him with their weapons.

"Bernard, run to the other side!" shouted Liz from upstairs, which momentarily distracted the other monsters.

Bernard quickly observed his partner and getting to understand what his plan was about, he fired a few shots towards two of the monsters before they managed to get close to him to make an attack, so the others raced wildly towards him propelling their swords to attack. Liz fired twice towards the junction between the chandelier and the dome of the palace causing it to give way and fall over to where Bernard was facing the threat; his companion left the area bouncing to the right while the chandelier fell on the demons towards the center of the palace, injuring them severely as a result of the weight of the ornament and the glass that came off it and broke upon making abrupt contact with the ground.

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