Chapter 60

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The future of the mission

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The future of the mission

After evading the relentless attacks of Holzmann's Executioner, Liz finally collapsed, letting her body sink to the ground as if it could no longer support her. She gasped for breath, casting fleeting glances at the river now and then, making sure nothing would emerge from it again. After so much struggle, a deep, indescribable calm touched her soul. Not only was she still alive, but she'd ended one of Reich der Finsternis' most malevolent threats. Still, uncertainty over what lay ahead lingered, keeping her on edge. Only her mentor's words from meditation sessions echoed as a comfort: "I am here, I am now, and I am safe." She looked up toward the darkening sky.

"Sharrow," Nick called from the substation, rushing toward her with his rifle in both hands.

Liz rose to greet him, relief flooding her face this time instead of fear.

"You did it," Nick muttered in disbelief. "I can't believe it—you actually did it."

Liz gave him a faint smile.

"We did it," she sighed, giving her gun a quick twirl on her finger. "Your support made all the difference."

She glanced over the still waters of the river, just as she had when they first entered the power plant. It was like the storm had finally passed.

"All it took was a 10,000-volt jolt, two grenades, five high-caliber rounds, and a few hundred bloodthirsty water creatures," she quipped, checking the perfume bottle. Nick watched her silently. "Though, two sprays of perfume might've done the trick faster than all that." She tossed the bottle up and caught it, her smile fading as she noticed his solemn expression. "What about the Punishers?"

Nick nodded to the side of the substation, where the mangled bodies of the beasts lay.

"My squad and I took care of them," he replied, his tone both firm and saddened.

"All of them?" Liz asked, glancing at the broken armor scattered around the corpses.

"All of them," Nick confirmed, wiping the sweat from his brow as he glanced toward the bridges leading back to the substation.

Liz instinctively turned, bracing for any potential threat. But her tension eased when she saw Tobias Fritz and Andreas Berger approaching behind her.

"I have to say, that was impressive," Tobias remarked, a look of astonishment on his face. "We've finally taken down that monster. He paid for what he did to Captain Bunde."

"And to my partner, and the other German officers," Liz added, her expression darkening briefly as she looked out over the river, then smiling with a hint of relief. "Good! Now, all that's left is Dr. Günther and the whole Holzmann clan."

Despite her sarcastic tone, the officers fell into thoughtful silence until Liz turned to Nick.

"So, I assume you were able to lower the release levers?"

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