Chapter 34

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The courthouse

Once inside, in the building, the trumpets echoed from the top of the tower. Growing anguish possessed the agents; Bernard wished that the trumpets were the annunciation of the beginning of Armageddon, so that the hellish nightmare they were living would end once and for all. Liz, on the other hand, looked desperately for Chris, without finding any trace of the officer when checking the facade of the opulent place. She took advantage of a moment when the guard was absent-minded to contact him by radio, but there was no response.

Once the area was found to be safe, the forest of damnation had been left behind, although this time, as they gazed at the frightening creatures standing at the entrance of the palace, they knew that their new destiny would prepare new frightening adventures and disastrous events for them.

Thinking of a strategy to enter the palace and the fates that awaited them in the event of failure, had not allowed them to contemplate the imposing construction that stretched across the grounds. It consisted of a palace with two main wings in the shape of a "c", characteristic of a neo-baroque era for its style and colors, where the white of its walls and the green color of its roofs stood out, as well as an area similar to a capitol that ended in a bell tower. It was the most like the so majestic European constructions that people wanted to see for tourism.

"You'll think I'm nuts," Bernard told her as he admired the nuances of such a magnificent architecture "But this is wonderful."

"It must not be different from people, as when you meet a person you are attracted to" Liz said, looking carefully at the building "You look at them on the outside and you fall in love with their beauty, their face, their body, but when you get to know them on the inside, they are repulsive".

Bernard did not know what to answer, even though he understood his companion's point. Once again, they tried to call Chris, finally getting a response from the officer.

"Liz, Bernard" Chris had a stifled tone of voice, like someone who has been running a marathon for some time "Right now I think they are on my heels, I have entered from the west, the best thing is for you to go to the other side. When I find myself in a less compromising position I will give you some guidelines so that we can meet again, over".

The report, although short, gave that reassuring air of knowing that the other companions had overcome a dangerous situation. Now that they had recovered the queen's crown, it was not only time to continue with the investigations concerning what they called the dark blood and the transfer ritual, but to fulfill the mission that had led them to separate from the rest of the German police command; to find Max.

Liz pointed out some arched doors as the simplest entry points to the palace halls; she drew her weapon and prepared to face a new journey full of adversities.

"Wait," Bernard called her attention as he drew his weapon "We are already here, but we still don't know what we are gonna do, how are we supposed to find Max, what are we gonna do once we meet him?"

"I'm glad you asked," Liz told him with a faked smile, "We need to meet Chris, but until then the plan is as follows. They must have Max in some kind of dungeon or somewhere; if we find him alive, we must rescue him, but not before I break the damn bastard's nose for leaving us "She said after catching her right fist with the palm of her other hand".

"What if he's not here?" Bernard asked a bit worried "I didn't want to tell you in front of Chris, but... " His partner frowned as he paused "to me this thing about Nick's letter, and the entrance to the palace, I don't know, doesn't it seem a bit odd to you?"

"Are you really doubting the damn bastard after the cave?" Liz asked him with a puzzled look, although Bernard kept the same expression, revealing that he couldn't find the words to convey his idea.

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