Chapter 84

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Light in the midst of darkness

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Light in the midst of darkness

Within the confines of Reich der Finsternis, death never rested in its relentless hunt for new victims. Now, deep inside its lair, escaping it was a terrifying challenge. Everything around them in that nest of evil defied the limits of reason and perversion. The agents had yet to process the fact that they had actually survived such a threat—not even Liz, who still gripped the bloodstained remains of the spear, staring at the dying figure of Dr. Günther as he knelt on the cold pavement of the dark, enigmatic chamber.

Liz had learned to distrust her own senses, yet something in the back of her mind whispered that the man before them was indeed the real head of the concentration camp. And even more unsettling—the blood staining her hands belonged to him.

Günther coughed violently, flecks of crimson staining his mustache as the heat of death crept over him. Liz stepped closer, rifle at the ready. Her companions kept him in their sights as well, their fingers tense on the triggers, ready for any last trick he might attempt.

"Well," she murmured, watching him clutch his wound, his skin growing paler with every passing second, "it's been quite a show—even your speeches. But from where I stand, this is where it all ends." She lowered the barrel just enough to nearly brush his face. "Isn't that right, Herr Günther?" she added with a restrained smirk of disdain.

"Herr Doktor Günther," he corrected hoarsely, blood dribbling from his lips as he struggled to lift himself with what little strength he had left.

Jake pumped his shotgun with an audible clack and leveled it at the doctor's head.

"You know, doc?" he mused mockingly. "I'd love to let you have a few last words before I blow your goddamn head off, but honestly? I'm bored."

Nick let out a sharp breath, rolling his eyes. He reloaded his rifle with deliberate, firm movements.

"How about we skip the dramatics and just get this over with?" he muttered dryly.

At Nick's irritated tone, Günther let out a faint, delirious chuckle. His face, increasingly ghostly, contrasted with the intensity of his words.

"You truly think... this is enough to stop me?" His voice was barely a rasp, each word dragging breath from his lungs. "The union is already in motion! I have given more than my humanity to Friedrich Holzmann's cause. My power..." He coughed violently, splattering blood down his chin. " in every one of them. And you... have no escape."

His laughter twisted into a spasmodic wheeze, half a moan; his eyes burned with a feverish light that seemed to defy death itself.

"We are the alpha and the omega of this new world. Destroy this body, burn it if you wish—but you've seen the truth, felt it!" Sweat trickled down his forehead, ice-cold against the suffocating atmosphere. "My memory..." His voice dropped to a barely audible whisper. "...will live on in the blood we have spilled."

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