Several disappearances and unexplained events have been registered shorty after the commercialization of an ancient statue linked to some legends from a mysterious place called "Reich der Finsternis" in eastern Germany, there is no know route leadin...
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The scene of Max's suffering, with his limbs subjected to brutal force, slowly faded away. As her senses returned to normal, the palace dungeons reappeared, reminding her of the harsh reality she faced. Liz never imagined she would ever feel sympathy for someone like Max. Despite the dangers he and his companions encountered, their leader could never let go of his pride, hiding behind his institution to pursue his selfish goals.
For Liz, the reputation of the DFPD represented everything she had fought for. Although it wasn't her primary concern at that moment, she knew that their leader's actions would have repercussions on how the European community viewed them. As she sat up and battled dizziness, she assessed the chances of finding Max alive, which now seemed minimal; if not, his limbs would be dislocated, leading to serious short-term ailments that could ultimately result in his death.
Sweat began to slide down her cheeks, not only from the heat of the torches but also from a sudden drop in blood pressure. This was the second time it had happened in a short span, indicating that her state of contamination was worsening. She took deep breaths, trying to find calm, but each return to reality brought new challenges. Her heart raced as fast as when she had looked into the eyes of the village woman; not even memories of rainy nights spent alone with Rick in her childhood evoked a similar fear. Her heart raced even faster when a hand gripped her firmly by the shoulder, forcing her to stand. Mentally, she prepared for another encounter with the beings the duchess had summoned for extermination, but a wave of relief washed over her when she saw Bernard's shocked face.
"Another vision?" Bernard asked, helping her up. Liz made a final effort to regain her senses and answered her companion.
"Max," Liz lamented, closing her eyes and shaking her head. "I think we've lost him now."
Liz explained to Bernard what she had seen, her voice a mix of anguish and despair. While he showed concern, his rational nature led him to seek a logical explanation. He didn't rule out the possibility that Liz's visions were simply involuntary reactions detached from reality.
"It's likely Holzmann is trying to mess with your head," Bernard suggested. "You know, to hinder our investigation. If I were you, I wouldn't take it too seriously just yet."
"It all felt so real," Liz replied anxiously, revealing for the first time a deeper disturbance than her partner.
From the dark depths of the dungeons, the screams of tortured men and women echoed with a hellish resonance. Their new route was marked by weathered brick arches, signaling that they had entered a factory of death and pain, where the most wretched souls of Reich der Finsternis met their cruel end. Liz clung to Bernard's arm, trying to stay on her feet as her strength returned.
"We're here," said Bernard, visibly affected by the dreadful wails echoing from the adjacent corridors. "Do you think Max has confessed everything? About our mission and his collaboration with..." He paused, recalling that Max's supposed cooperation with Warren and Rowland was based solely on one of Liz's visions. Although he trusted his partner immensely, he knew this wouldn't be accepted as solid proof.