Adrian Pucey

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Work has been quite dull lately, I usually have time to go and see Adrian's practice, and I know he understands, but I know he must be feeling a bit sad.

So, today I came home early and have been waiting for him. I prepared him favourite food. I heard him at the door, so I went to greet him.

He kissed me, but something was off. "Are you okay, my love?" I said while looking at him.

"Nothing!" He said, while sitting on the sofa.

I walked and sat next to him. "Baby, I bet you did a fantastic job today." I said while hugging him.

" Well, apparently that is not enough." He said with a bit of frustration.

"Don't say that, my love. You always do a wonderful work." I said while kissing his cheek.

He looked at me, and he was looking sad. He stood up from the sofa and went straight to the bathroom to take a shower.

I went to the kitchen and served his favourite dishes. I was hoping that would lift his spirits.

20 minutes later, and he hasn't shown up yet. I went to find him, and he was in our bedroom, I know him well and something was bothering him.

"Adrian, my love, what is wrong?"  I said while walking next to him. 

"Nothing!" He screams. 

"Hey, don't talk to me like that. I am not one of your teammates, I am your wife."  

"You don't understand. The pressure is awful, and then the way people look at you because you let the people down." He said, almost crying.

" That is not true, my love. You do a fantastic job, you know there are good and bad days. It is not your fault." I said while opening my arms to him.

"No, my love, you do not understand, how frustrating it is to deal with Wood, a former rival and now a teammate. I hate that.

"Oh, my love. I am so sorry, I understand how frustrating it must be. As you know, I work with Granger every single day.  And it is difficult to work with her, she thinks she knows everything and everyone is always praising her."

"I know Adrian that Oliver is petty, and he likes to tease you because he and I dated before. But do not let him bother you. He probably still thinks you are in rival teams."

"By his attitude, he still a Gryffindor and you still a Slytherin, but at work that doesn't matter. Why do you think I pretend to like Hermione? Because we work together, we like it or not."

"I know she tolerates me because she makes all the fuss about me and Ron working on a project together. I don't know if she has forgotten about that, to be honest, I don't care, but she knows that we need to be professional at work."

"Oliver is just probably frustrated that he is a reserve seeker while you are not, and you have remarkable stats."  

He embraced me and kissed me deeply. "My love, I am so sorry. I should never snap at you like that. You are the woman I love, my biggest fan, and I treated you poorly." He said while looking at me. 

"I love you, baby. I understand how frustrated can be at times. I can always jinx Oliver before the next match." I said while hugging him tightly. 

"I love you more, my dear. I would like that idea, but you are right I should be professional, not let him get under my skin." He said while kissing my temple.

"How about if we have something to eat, and then we could always make a little race around the Hamlets." I said while grabbing his hand.

"That sounds lovely."  He picked me up and took me to the dinning room. 

We enjoyed a nice and calm dinner. And we changed into some more appropriate clothes. We pick up our brooms, and fly for a bit until we reached the start point. "Ready to lose, Mrs. Pucey?" He said with a light chuckle.

"Who says I am going to lose against you, Mr. Pucey?" I said while smiling at him. 

We started the race around the Hamlets, I could see his smile once more, that smile he has whenever he is optimistic and knows everything will be alright. We finally reached the final Hamlet, Aranshire. Surprisingly, we reached the finish line together. 

"Mrs. Pucey, how nice is to have a wife that can be at the same level, you are a fantastic woman."  He said, while signalling me to go down.

"Mr. Pucey, I haven't raced like that in ages, it is so nice to share these moments with you." I said while leaving my broom and walking straight to him.

"I love you, Adrian, you are the best thing that ever happened to me. You have been my best friend since we were young, you have been the most fantastic man ever. I am sad that I did not get to you early." I said with tears in my eyes.

"My love, don't you dare to cry. We are together now, more than 7 years presently, we have had some incredible moments, and we will have many more. We got together after being the best of friends, and I will never change those times, those memories."

"About that hex offer, still up if you wanted it." I said while kissing his cheek.

"I will gladly accept your offer, my love. But first, let us enjoy some time just you and me. Let us go home to spend some time together." He said, while making us apparate at home. 

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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