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Snow frosted the small town

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Snow frosted the small town. Most people have made their way into their homes to escape the icy wind, yet still she found herself outside.

Her boyfriend, Remus, stood tall, leaning against the brick wall that was their shared apartment. Despite the cold, he doesn't seem to look it. He doesn't seem to notice the girl as he stared down the street, blowing out cigarette smoke, deep in thought ever since their argument earlier in the day.

Suddenly, a ball of snow was launched in his direction, hitting him square in the chest. The brunette culprit was giggling at her mischief.

He looked up, rather startled by the sudden impact. Seeing the girl, he raised his eyebrows. "You threw that, didn't you?"

She pressed her lips together to try to stop herself from laughing further. "You were asking for it, grumpy old man."

His eyebrows raised even more in response. "I was not." He said simply, it's pretty obvious he was. He takes a drag of his cigarette before taking a few steps forward, reaching out to grab her by the collar of her jacket.

She stumbled slightly before regaining her composure, meeting her brown eyes with his. "You most definitely were."

Instead of responding, his eyes just roamed slowly over her. She could feel his grip becoming firmer on her collar as he speaks, "I don't think you should be throwing snowballs like that, it's immature." He let go of her collar only to grab her wrist.

"I learned from the best." She spoke, referring to their group of friends with all the pranks they would play throughout the years.

Remus laughs. "Oh, did you now?" His cigarette dangles from his lips as he speaks. He glances upwards towards the sky where the sun was hidden behind the clouds, casting a slight shadow over the two. He was clearly trying to get off the topic.

She frowned as she watched him. "You've been off lately, I just wanted to have some fun."

A few seconds passed before he spoke. The slight twitch in his jaw when he replied told her that he was still angry about the argument before. "I don't mind you trying to have fun." He paused, taking a drag of his cigarette. "But please, don't throw snowballs at me." He said, sounding slightly frustrated.

She wrapped her arms around his waist, underneath his jacket. "I'm sorry." There was a slight pout on her face. "About the fight and the snowball."

His breath hitched at the touch as he felt her wrap her arms around him. His other hand that was not holding the cigarette moved to cup the side of her face. He was keeping firm eye contact with her as he continued to hold back a smile. Despite the fight before, all that rage she saw was starting to dissipate due to her.

A smile started to take over her previous pout as she stood up on her toes to kiss his lips softly.

His free hand moved to the back of her head, making sure to hold her in place as he kissed her back passionately. She could feel his heart beating at a rapid pace. He pulled away a couple seconds later. The smile he had on his face growing wider as his breath was coming out heavier than it was before. "No more snowballs." He said with a joking tone.

"No more snowballs." She agreed before adding. "For today."

He rolled his eyes. "You better mean forever." He says sounding more serious despite the light tone he had moments ago. He brushed a lock of hair out of her face before pressing his forehead against hers. He was struggling to keep to keep a grin off of his face.

"I can't promise that." She joked as she tightened her grip around him.

He huffed. His eyes softening as he looked back into hers. "At least warn me next time." He said, his tone now soft and calm. He looked at the town around them. Families were inside their homes enjoying Christmas dinner, the smell of food filled the air.

He looked down at her again before speaking, "I assume you want to head back inside."

"One day we're going to have kids to enjoy this day with us." She smiled as she moved one of her arms to walk back inside.

"One day." He repeated, guiding her inside with a hand on the small of her back.

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