☁︎ 𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐥𝐮𝐬 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 - 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 ☁︎

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He'd never once imagined his world crashing down as it seemed to be right now

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He'd never once imagined his world crashing down as it seemed to be right now. 'Break up?' She wanted to break up? Regulus peered at her across the slytherin table. This isn't how he expected his morning to go. "Darling.." He began, however soon came to realize there was nothing he could say beyond that. Deep down he understood; he'd been so distant as of late, so reserved and sunk into himself. In spite of that, his deep hued eyes peered at her hollowly, not even bothering to touch his food.

She couldn't bear to look at him, his nickname for her only breaking her heart more. This isn't something she wanted to do, ever. But she couldn't stand feeling single when she was in a relationship.

Regulus stared at the plate in front of him for a good moment, a single forkful of food sitting on it still. Why were emotions such a complicated, frustrated thing? It would have been so easy for him not to care.. yet he did. How could he make such feelings disappear into thin air? He could not. "I'm sorry." He murmured with a frown, finally lifting his eyes to look at her, and a pang of regret shot through him when he saw the shattered expression on her face.

Her eyes lifted to meet his, feeling his gaze. "It's not something I wanted to do." She admitted in a whisper. Sadness filled her brown orbs as she couldn't touch a bit of food on her plate. She was heartbroken.

He let out a deep sigh, not wanting to believe that this was really happening, not willing to accept the truth of the matter. He still had hope of things going back to how they were, of there being some sort of chance that things would resolve, no matter how small. "Could we talk about this?" He asked reluctantly, his voice quiet. He needed to understand. After all, he would rather hear it straight from her than just making assumptions.

She couldn't speak so she just gave a small nod in response. She sucked in her bottom lip, chewing on it nervously as she waited for him to speak again.

Regulus breathed in and out, a deep frown on his features. He didn't want to have to say what was to come. He didn't want to bring this up, but it was inevitable no matter how much he would have wanted to avoid it all. "I have a request, if I may." He began, his voice as calm as he could make it, and yet still filled with emotion. He looked at her, his eyes searching hers for any sort of sign of... something. Anything.

"Of course." She breathed out as she tried her best to keep the eye contact.

He swallowed around the lump present in his throat, his gaze remained fixed on her while he gathered his thoughts. His hands clenched into fists beneath the table, the tension of the situation clear on his expression. As a result, he kept his tone as calm as possible; he would not let himself succumb to emotion just yet. "Could we work through this?

"Regulus.." She trailed off as she shifted uncomfortably in her spot. "You've been so distant lately. I barely speak or see you."

"I'm aware." He admitted, his frown deepening ever so slightly. "Things have been.. difficult for me." He said, not sure where to go from there. He'd become so used to hiding his emotions that he'd had to dig them back up first, and even then he didn't quite know how to express them. He paused again, looking away as a soft sigh escaped him. "I can change." He murmured, his gaze settling on his plate once more where the food continued to sit, untouched.

"Then why didn't you come to me?" She asked, hurt evident in her voice. "You know I would've helped you but instead you continued to push me away." She gulped when she finished her words, so many emotions running through her body.

"I've always managed on my own." His voice remained quiet, a tinge of emotion bleeding into it when he continued. "And I never wanted to burden you." He swallowed heavily, his gaze settling onto her. He was well aware of the fact that he hadn't been fair to her, hadn't given her what he should have. "Perhaps that was a mistake."

"It was." She confirmed. "I don't just plan on being with you for a short period of time, when I think of you, I think of the future." She took a minute to take a deep breath to try to remain calm and not break down. "I want everything a future can offer us, together. You could never burden me. For as long as I live, you will never have to deal with anything alone."

Regulus felt a warm sensation settle in his chest. He wasn't sure if it was the small hope that things could be resolved, or something he didn't quite comprehend. But, nonetheless, he wasn't going to argue against those words at all. "I.." He murmured, his voice a whisper. For a moment, he paused, trying to find any words and eventually found a small smile. He nodded, his expression one of certainty. "I need you." He admitted softly.

She reached out her hand, offering to hold his. "I need you too." She managed a small smile. "More than you know."

His hand wrapped around hers, and he offered a gentle smile in return. "Will you let me try again?" He murmured, his gaze remained fixed on hers. That was the best he could ask for, for he would do any and everything he could possibly could to make it up to her. To show his commitment.

She leaned forward, bringing their hands up to her mouth to settle a small kiss on his. "Yes." She murmured into his skin before placing them back down on the table. "Don't disappoint me, please."

Regulus remained silent for a moment, only nodding in response as a soft smile crossed his face. He couldn't bear to disappoint her, of that he was certain. Perhaps it was selfish of him to ask her to give him a second chance, when in the end he should have opened up to her before things began to spiral as they had; he was grateful regardless and would make sure that he didn't waste the opportunity she gave so willingly, so graciously.

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