☁︎ 𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐮𝐬 𝐥𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐧 - 𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲 ☁︎

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"Could you fix my tie?" Remus walked into their shared bedroom, his black tie hanging around his neck

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"Could you fix my tie?" Remus walked into their shared bedroom, his black tie hanging around his neck. Of course he could do it himself; it was practically embedded in his brain. Still, he liked to ask her.

To be honest, he only asked for a chance to be close and steal a kiss or two, but it's not like she ever denied it. Plus, with the dinner party they were supposed to attend, he wouldn't be getting a chance to kiss her for a while. Five hours, to be exact, but for him, that was too long.

"I just can't do it today. I don't know why." He added, faint hints of a smile on his face. He came up to her, waiting for her to take a step closer. His eyes settled on her face, his calm, fond gaze meeting hers.

She walked up to him, a small smile playing at her lips as she adjusted the shoulder straps of her silk black dress. Once she was close enough, her hands moved gracefully around his neck, slowly and carefully to ensure she wouldn't cause any wrinkles.

She was an absolute dream to him. She would do anything he asked, and she always seemed to know what he wanted and when he wanted it. In that moment however, he wanted nothing more than to see her beautiful smile up close. As her hands gently touched him, he leaned in and brushed his lips lightly against her cheek, a slight chuckle escaping him. "You look fantastic, by the way." He whispered into her ear.

A small blush took over the skin of her cheeks. "Thank you." Her voice was soft as she patted down his tie once she was finished, moving her doe brown eyes up to meet his loving gaze.

"You're welcome." He said, giving her that charming mischievous half-smile that was his trademark. With her hands lingering on his neck tie, he reached up to brush a few strand of hair back behind her ear. "How about we just skip the dinner party and just stay here tonight, eh?" He said, a glint in his eyes.

"As much as I'm intrigued by the idea... we simply cannot." She whispered, her eyes flickering over his scars. "I put too much work into my look tonight to let it go wasted."

As much as he wanted to keep pushing it, he knew when to let it go. In fact, deep down he already knew the answer to his question. Sometimes he just liked challenging her, even when he knew he wouldn't win.

"Shame. You will be the most beautiful woman there, though." He reached up to tug a strand of her hair.

She reached both of her hands up to adjust his blazer, taking in the way it fit his body perfectly. "I'm a lucky woman. Almost too lucky."

"Almost too lucky?" He chuckled. She could make him swoon with the simplest gestures, and she was doing it again right now. Seeing the way she was so delicate with his clothes and took meticulous care with them made his chest tighten and his heart speed up. And she thought she was the lucky one.

As she adjusted his blazer, he slipped his hands around her waist, pulling her closer. "I'm the one who feels lucky, not the other way around."

Her features just screamed happiness, she had never felt so in love before. The day she met him, her world lit up in front of her and she would never let him go. "I believe I changed my mind, we should stay home."

The corners of his mouth began to twirl upwards, and that mischievous smile of his returned. He knew he was going to get his way in the end.

"And do what, exactly?" His voice was deep and dark, and the look he was giving her was nothing but more admiration. He leaned down so his face was only a few centimeters from hers, and his fingertips ran lightly across her cheeks. "I have a few ideas of my own."

"I guess you'll have to wait and see." She spoke seductively as she undid the buttons of his blazer before sliding it off of him slowly, throwing it into a random corner of the room. Her hands found his tie as she stared into his eyes and tugged him down softly to her level to meet his lips.

If she wanted to be seductive, she could make him melt in a split second. Her hands running over his clothes as she took them off, her soft voice whispering to him, and that look in her eyes? It sent his heart racing every single time, and this instance was no different.

He let out a soft growl when she pulled his face down to meet hers, his lips landing on hers with a light smack. He deepened the kiss slightly and his fingers splayed out onto the small of her back, pulling her closer.

She slowly walked backwards, tugging him along with her as she went, their lips still connected. One hand found its way to the back of his neck, tangling itself into his hair as they drew closer to the bed. A small moan escaped into his mouth.

The moan sent shivers down his spine and left him utterly breathless. He pushed her gently, but slowly, down onto the bed, his hands landing on her hips to hold her secure so he could keep kissing her. His head was swimming in pleasure, and his body buzzed in anticipation of what else was to come.

When he finally pulled away, his breathing was heavy and fast and his eyes were dark with desire. "You drive me insane."

She bit down on her swollen lip as she stared up at him, undoing his tie she just worked on not that long ago. "Undress me." She whispered into his ear once she leaned forward before placing a few kisses on the sweet spot of his neck.

Any semblance of restraint he had left was gone when she ordered him to, and he couldn't help but let out a small groan when she kissed his neck. The way her lips moved over his skin, the way her hands wandered over his body, the way she always managed to drive him crazy... it was addictive.

His fingers began to undo the zipper of her dress, the other hand moving to slide the straps down, slowly revealing more of her soft skin, bare skin with each brush of his hands.

She reconnected their lips, kissing him more deeply than before as she blindly undid the buttons of his shirt.

With his shirt now open, her hands could freely explore his broad chest, and she could feel all the muscles that made it up. His body was firm but not too hard; it was all smooth skin and hard angles, and it was perfection in her hands.

He pulled away from her lips briefly, just long enough to whisper something into her ear. "We're not going to be leaving this bed tonight." He breathed, a smirk on his face.

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