☁︎ 𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐥𝐮𝐬 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 - 𝐣𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞 ☁︎

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Regulus and Sirius had been at each other's throats for years now it seemed

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Regulus and Sirius had been at each other's throats for years now it seemed. It was getting quite old and a bit immature really. They were brothers. They'd couldn't stay mad at each other forever.

This little feud had torn her between the two brothers. While her and Regulus were... well they were something, neither of them bothered to put an exact label on it. She was quite close friends with Sirius. Sirius had found comfort in her, and she him when her and Regulus had their occasional disagreements.

"I'm not trying to keep him from you, darling." Regulus said calmly, flipping through his revision notes, comparing them to hers. A soft sigh left him as he set his quill down. "I just.. I want you here with me tonight, is all. We haven't spent time together in a good while." He turned his chair at his desk to look at her, who sat on the foot of his bed.

A soft sigh came from him as her took her in for what felt like the millionth time. She had always been pretty to him. The way her hair fell around her face, how it framed it perfectly. The few imperfections he deemed beyond perfect. A sudden feeling of selfishness washed over him. He told himself he wouldn't dictate who she did and didn't choose to see. Perhaps this was slightly different?

She sat crisscrossed, playing with the hem of her flare jeans that ended nicely around her ankle. "I can't just abandon him when I'm the one who suggested to meet tonight. He wouldn't get my owl in time." She spoke, her tone sincere.

That was the one thing that made him feel such a heavy amount of guilt. The two of them had made plans together well in advance, long before he'd asked for her company for the night.

He let out a long breath and slumped in his chair, not looking at her. "No, you're right." He spoke, though his tone didn't sound pleased. "I should've known you'd have your own plans tonight." He knew he was being petty.

"How about this?" She started, about to offer her time with him. "I can come back here afterwards, and I can spend my time with you tomorrow."

His head tilted at the offer, and finally he looked at her, those eyes of his studying her. Regulus raised a brow as he thought some more on the offer. "That would work." He finally spoke, still not sounding quite as excited as he should've been.

Perhaps he was just a tad bit jealous, seeing his girl with another man. "Fine." He spoke, though he didn't sound as if he was all that fine with it.

She suddenly lifted up her finger and pointed it at him, about to set a limit to their time. "But I am not studying, I need a break."

He let out a soft chuckle and smirked. "Fine, fine." He spoke. "But, can we cuddle? Or watch a movie? Or something?" The selfish part of him wanted her for the entire night, but part of him knew that wasn't necessarily possible. "You could stay over?" He asked, sounding hopeful.

A smile formed on her face as she heard him ask. "Aw, does Reggie want to sleep with me?"

The corners of his lips turned upwards into a full smile, and in a somewhat playful tone, he spoke. "Of course, my sweet thing. What do you think?" His smile was smug as he watched her, knowing the answer was obvious. "Now go, go enjoy your time with that boy friend of yours. But afterwards, I'm keeping you to myself."

She slowly stood up, fixing her clothes that had bunched up in her sitting position. "I guess I'll have to tell Sirius that I can no longer stay the night with him." She teased, knowing she wouldn't do such a thing with him.

His eyes narrowed as if the very idea of her spending the night elsewhere angered him, though she knew that he had no right to be that angry. He spoke, his tone holding a bit of jealousy. "Go ahead. Let him know that you won't have time for him anymore." He couldn't help his tone or the selfish part of him as he spoke, though he tried to calm himself.

As she made her way closer to him, she placed her hands upon his shoulders gently, rubbing them. She lowered her head to meet his gaze before speaking again. "You're cute when you're jealous." She kissed his head softly, as she always did before she would leave. "No need to worry about Sirius."

A smirk flashed across his features as he looked at her, the jealousy in that he held onto seemingly vanished at her touch. "I'm not jealous."

His tone suggested otherwise, though he wouldn't let himself admit it. "Now, off with you, I'll see you later after you've had your time with Sirius. Remember I expect you here after your little.. date with him."

She shook her head with a small laugh as she walked towards the door to leave. "If you keep denying it, you'll never get anywhere." She opened the door, starting to walk out but not without poking her head back in. "Bye-bye, jealous boy."

His expression had darkened at her calling him 'jealous'. Was it really that obvious? He rolled his eyes as she went to walk out. "Oh shut up." He spoke before giving a soft laugh. "Have fun with your boyfriend."

"I will!" She sang out before closing the door behind her.

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