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Regulus Black had tried his best to break up with her, he really, really had

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Regulus Black had tried his best to break up with her, he really, really had. Not that he wanted to, of course; he would never even fathom such a concept unless it was completely essential to her survival, and in this case it had become just that.

He was a death eater. He knew he was a death eater. He knew that was a shitty life decision, but you cannot just abandon the dark lord. He'd done his research on Voldemort's horcruxes. Figured it all out by himself, and was now planning to dedicate his life to the suicidal mission of attempting to destroy the locket in the lake. He didn't know how many others Voldemort had, but if he could make a simple impact, he would.

That came back to his current crisis — breaking up with her.

"What do you mean 'no'?" He demanded, running his fingers through his frankly discombobulated dark tousles of curls to brush them off his forehead. "You can't just say no."

"I can, and I did." She shrugged her shoulders. "No. You're not breaking up with me."

"You are absolutely frustrating." He groaned out, his hands balling up into fists, he turned away from her; he hated the feel of her gaze. He hated feeling exposed to her. He didn't look at her as he spoke. "I need to break up with you."

"No." She retorted as she crossed her arms over her chest. "You're not going to get another answer from me, no matter how hard you try."

"You're being a really difficult woman, you know that?" He muttered. He sounded exasperated. "I'm trying to do what is the least harmful to you. There is a war happening outside."

"Yes, Regulus, a war. Which exactly means that I'm not letting my loved one out of my sight during a time like this." She breathed, growing frustrated with the male before her.

"I am not your loved one." He groaned, it came out a bit harsh, but what did she expect? This was a difficult time. He was being responsible. "I'm a death eater, this is a dangerous thing. I could die on you, just like that."

"If you die, I would rather this not be our last memory together. Don't you understand?"

That caught him off guard. He had to admit she made a valid point, even if she was being irritating. "Do you honestly love me?" He asked.

"I love you with my whole being, even a blind man can see that!" She rubbed her hands over her face as she took a few deep breaths. "War is right around the corner. We should stick together, not push each other away out of fear."

For a few precious seconds, he was speechless. All he could hear was his own heart beating and the soft sounds of his own breathing.

"Fine." He muttered out at the end. And for good measure, he had to call her a name because, after all, he was Regulus Black. "Fine, you stubborn, annoying woman."

She shook her head in disbelief. "You really tried to break up with me. You do understand that I could get hurt either way, right?"

"Don't you get it? I don't want to be responsible for that." Now he was angry, though he couldn't seem to find any particular emotion behind his anger. "I could be the reason you got killed, or worse, captured and tortured."

She slowly walked up to him, cupping his cheeks. "Don't think the worst, my love. I can protect myself."

That did it. He could not fathom being called anyone's love, and yet as soon as those words left her lips, his heart got caught in his throat. Without thinking, he pulled her into his arms, his fingers digging into her hair as he held her close. Just because he couldn't stop her from being so damned stubborn, didn't mean he couldn't show her just how much he loved her.

Her arms snaked around his neck, hugging him tightly. "I'm not going anywhere." She murmured into his hair.

His grip tightened on her hair, but only a little. He didn't trust himself to be gentle if his life depended on it. His heartbeat was loud in his ears; in both of their ears, he thought. There was a noise around them but all he heard was his own blood pumping through his body.. their own breathing.

"Mine." He murmured, and she didn't need clarification, she was always his.

"Don't you ever try to make that decision for me again." She whimpered out, now feeling the intensity of the situation on her shoulders. "I'll dig two graves for us, if we're going down, we go down together."

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