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In a disoriented state, the girl stumbled into Remus Lupin's room, intoxicated and dazed

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In a disoriented state, the girl stumbled into Remus Lupin's room, intoxicated and dazed. The acrid tang of smoke permeated the air, swirling around her like ominous tendrils. With unsteady steps, she ventured deeper into the gryffindor dormitory.

Surprised by the sudden intrusion, Remus shifted his attention, his brown eyes briefly widening with familiarity. A cigarette danged between his pale lips, releasing wisps of smoke into the room. "Have fun?"

She gave a lopsided smile to her friend. "I was hoping you would be here." She expressed gleefully as she opened her arms wide.

"Well, looks like I am." He returned her grin cheekily, stubbing out his cigarette in the ashtray beside his bed. "Is there a particular reason you came barging into my room like a raving lunatic?"

She let out a huff as she dropped her arms to her side. "Well, aren't you just amazing company?" She pouted before walking towards his bed, leaning up against one of the posts. "Is a girl not allowed to visit her dear friend?"

"In this state?" He asked in a tone of mockery, his gaze tracking her movements with amusement. "I'm all for having company, but let's be clear: the only company you are looking for at the moment is the pillow on my bed."

She shrugged, knowing deeply that is exactly what she wanted. "I do love a good cuddle from you."

Remus rolled his eyes. When she was this drunk, she was nothing but trouble. And if he was being completely honest with himself, he adored the mischievous and spontaneous version of her much more than when she was sober.

He smirked, throwing back the covers to make room for them both under the duvet. "If you promise to behave, then come here."

She beamed cheerfully as she climbed into his bed without a second thought. "This isn't all I wanted though." She murmured out once she was content and comfortable under the blankets.

"Oh, isn't it now?" He questioned with a smirk, wrapping his strong arms around her as he pressed his body against hers, grip tight. The smell of smoke wafted from his skin, a trait that didn't bother her at all. "And what else did you want?"

"You're so pushy." She grumbled as she rested her head onto his chest. "I wanted to tell you something, something I would never do sober."

"Then tell me." He prompted, his tone softer and more inviting. His breath hitched when she rested her head against his chest, his grip around her growing tighter. "Whatever it is, it won't change the way I feel about you."

She gave him a look full of caution. "You can't judge me or ever mention this to a soul."

"I won't. Just tell me." He spoke gently, squeezing her closer to him. For a moment, he simply held her in his embrace, his gaze searching hers with a hint of concern and a touch of excitement at whatever secret she was about to reveal. Eventually, after another beat of hesitation, he prompted again. "Are you going to tell me or are you expecting to read your mind?"

She rolled her eyes playfully before shifting in a position to hide from his gaze. "Okay, okay, damn." She muttered. "Oh how I'm going to regret this." She stayed silent for a few more moments before the words fell right off her tongue. "I'm in love with you."

Remus remained silent, his features locked in a look of shock and surprise as his heart raced at an accelerated rate. His eyes remained locked on her as he registered the weight and significance of her words. A beat of silence passed before he spoke, his voice barely above a whisper.

"You're what?"

She froze for a moment, hesitant. "I'm in love with you." She quickly repeated her words. A quick blush took over her cheeks as she remained where she was, face hidden in shame.

"You're in love with me?" He repeated as if to ensure that he hadn't misheard her, his breath quickening in response as his expression became a mixture of shock and disbelief. "Do you have any idea how long I've dreamed of hearing those word from you?"

Her head quickly snapped in his direction, their brown eyes meeting. "This isn't time to play one of your jokes." She warned him.

"A joke?" He repeated, his brows furrowing as comprehension dawned. "You think I'm joking." The realization that she'd just confessed to him was finally setting in. "No." He whispered, drawing her closer. "This isn't a joke. I'm as serious as I've ever been in my entire life."

A smile found its way onto her lips as her eyes widened. Her hands moved up to cup his cheeks in her small hands. "This isn't real." She breathed out. "I'm already asleep and I'm dreaming." The drunkenness of her words escaping her before she could stop them.

"No, it's very much real." He said gruffly, his grip loosening and then tightening around her again. His voice was softer, more tender now, and his eyes were filled with sincerity. "This isn't a dream. You're not dreaming: you just confessed your feelings for me, and I'm so damn glad you did."

Without another thought, she pressed her lips against his in a much needed kiss. Her lips instantly melting into his as if they belonged together. The hint of smoke, chocolate, and cologne filled her nose, and it was almost breathtaking in itself.

He groaned into the kiss at impact, his arms lifting her body up his slightly. It was as if his lips were starving for the touch of hers, desperate for the taste and feel of her. He had ached for this moment for months; fantasized about the possibility of it, and now that his dream was becoming a reality, he never wanted it to end.

She didn't pull away, not yet, instead she deepened the kiss, sliding her tongue over his bottom lip asking for entrance. The kiss started to sober her up, her head was no longer buzzing from every slight movement.

As she slipped her tongue into his mouth, any hint of doubt evaporated, leaving him no choice but to let go of any restraint he had. His embrace around her tightened. There was nothing else that existed right now except for this moment. All he could do was feel her body against his, her tongue exploring his mouth, and the overwhelming rush of dopamine in his system.

She gripped onto his bare shoulders as she pulled away breathlessly, her lips swollen. She looked down at him with a mix of emotions, but the main one was happiness. Pure happiness.

He reluctantly let her go, taking a moment to catch his own breath. His heart skipped a beat at the sight of her, still flushed and breathless from their intense show of passion. His gaze followed her movements, his focus lingering on the soft, pale skin of her lips.

"You..." He breathed out as if he was testing the waters, the smile on his lips growing wider. "You weren't joking when you said you were in love with me, were you?"

"I've never been more truthful about something in my life." She confirmed as she rested her chin on his chest softly. The sober her would applaud her tomorrow for working up the nerve and succeeding.

He ran a finger gently along her jawline, the action almost mesmerizing as he drank in the sight of her.

"You're a mess right now." He started with a soft smile, taking in the sight of her flushed cheeks. "Your eyes are half closed, and you smell of smoke and beer."

His touch was tender as he continued. "And even so, you've never looked more beautiful or perfect to me."

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