☁︎ 𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 - 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐝'𝐬 𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐭 ☁︎

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Sirius' fingers deftly, yet slowly ran through her messy tresses

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Sirius' fingers deftly, yet slowly ran through her messy tresses. She always had him do it. Her hair. No matter the time of day, she'd frequently found herself sitting on the edge of his bed whilst he stood and reached down to untangle that 'birds-nest' of a head of hair.

"How?" Was all he asked as he pulled his fingers from her hair to remove his rings, placing them aside for now so they wouldn't tangle in her hair. "How does it get so bad?" He always exaggerated, shame.

The girl let out a huff. "It's not like I do it on purpose, you know."

"No, but you do go to bed each and every night knowing that it'll be like this in the morning." He paused to hold back a smile. His hands began to work their magic and slowly untangle the knots in her dark, brown hair. "Like bloody this." He sighed, finally giving in to the almost giddy expression he'd been holding back, his free hand rubbing small circles on her back.

She rolled her eyes at him playfully. "It just means I sleep well, that's all." She shrugged her shoulders. "Nothing a brush can't fix."

"Nothing? Are you kidding?" His voice was teasing as his fingers continued to untangle the knots in her hair, working from top to bottom. "And you mean nothing a 'brush and five minutes of my time' can't fix." He laughed. "Don't try and downplay my efforts."

She couldn't help herself, laughing at the boy who was standing behind her. "You're so dramatic, it is not that bad."

"Oh, it definitely is that bad." He chimed in once more, his words coated with sarcasm. "The birds will be using your hair as a nest in a days time." He laughed again, continuing to work through the knots.

She crossed her arms over her chest as she looked at him through the mirror across the room. "You're so mean."

"Not mean, just telling the truth." His tone was still joking as he combed through some of her hair. His hands slowly paused once he reached the tips, not bothering to go any further as she crossed her arms in protest. "I can be mean if you want me to be." He challenged playfully, his eyes finding hers in the mirror and meeting her gaze to which she sent a glare to him in response.

"Please, your glaring face is nothing compared to what I had to put up with when I was growing up." Sirius muttered under his breath, his tone becoming more serious, before returning to his light one. "You're barely trying, darling."

She let out a deep breath in defeat as her shoulders slumped. He took note of her body language, and couldn't help but feel a sliver of guilt. "Darling, I'm only messing with you." He moved around, meeting her gaze in the mirror again, a slight smile appearing on his lips.

"I know, I know." She spoke quietly. "I just get upset when I hear anything about what you have been through."

His eyes widened and his voice had softened as he looked down at her, placing both hands on her shoulders. "Please, don't." He started. "Don't feel bad.. I'm not in that place anymore. I'm well and truly past it." He lied, but only slightly. Sirius was past what he'd previously experienced, for the most part, at least. But sometimes he'd have the occasional flashback, or have certain triggers. He'd never admit that to anyone though, especially not her.

She placed her hands softly over his as she leaned back into his body. She only hummed in response, not wanting to stay on the topic any longer.

Sirius had always been more of a touchy-feely person. It wasn't as if he went around touching people, but when it came to people he trusted, he enjoyed having a physical connection with them. He took comfort in it. So when she leaned back into him, he simply hummed as well, not getting go of her hands. His fingers entangled themselves with hers as she was pressed ever so slightly into his body.

She was silent for a few moments, just enjoying being in his warmth. She felt a slight tension in the air the longer she stayed silent so she spoke again in hopes to ease it. "Could you finish my hair before the birds lay their eggs?"

"Hmm.. I suppose I could." He hummed, his smile quickly returning as his hands began to slowly run through her hair once more, his fingertips brushing against her scalp as he worked through the knots quickly. He found this routine to be relaxing, even more so when she was against him as he did so.

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