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Remus internally groaned as he carried her into the common room and set her down on the couch

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Remus internally groaned as he carried her into the common room and set her down on the couch. She'd thought it was a grand idea to go get drunk with Sirius... again. But here she was, back early and by Remus' hands.

"Stupid." He muttered as he fetched her some nearby tea to help sooth the undoubted headache she had — or would eventually have. "Why on earth would you ever listen to Sirius?" He chided, as if she was paying him any mind. "Like taking care of children." He muttered more to himself.

Despite her drunkenness, she could easily spot his frustration and stress from her spot on the couch. She curled herself up, pushing her knees to her chest as she hugged herself. "I'm sorry." She spoke, sadness evident in her tone. "Please don't be mad at me." Though she would never admit to it, she was a sad drunk.

He sighed, coming to a seat beside her and offering her a cup of tea, with a small pat to her head. "I'm not mad at you." He began. "It's just — do you really think Sirius has your best interests in mind?" He questioned, watching her, a faint look of pity in his eyes. With a sigh, he brushed hair back from her face.

Her frown deepened, in fact it might just leave permanent lines on her face. "I just wanted to have some fun." She admitted, regretfully.

"Fun doesn't need to entail getting plastered." He began, his tone soft as ever. It was hard to be mean to her, even when what came from her mouth was pure rubbish. "Do you even remember the last time you went out with Sirius?" He questioned, as if she didn't know the answer, and a small sigh left his lips as he looked towards the ceiling.

"I didn't get back until the morning, he abandoned me." She answered, making it short. Though it was months ago, she shivered thinking about the freezing rain she had to endure that night. She held the tea close, sipping it occasionally.

"And you still want to have fun with him?" He spoke. "Honestly, you're never going to learn." He chided with a sigh, and though he wasn't mad, he was disappointed in her, which was far worse.

"Stop." She frowned, a new wave of sadness washing over her. "I wasn't thinking clearly. I don't like it when you're like this." It was true. She had become accustomed to the soft, loving Remus she fell in love with. She could count on one hand how many times she had disappointed him and didn't want to add another to the count.

"I don't like it when you go out with Sirius, get drunk, and then make me come and take care of you like I'm your mother." He retorted, and though he was trying not to let the anger get the best of him, he did snap at her. He felt awful, but this was something she needed to hear.

She let out a shaky breath, reaching out to place a hand on his arm. "I won't do it again." She promised.

Remus chuckled slightly, looking down at her hand. There was a hint of relief in his smile as he noticed she was attempting to comfort him. "You're forgiven." He told her, and she knew the truth of those words. He wasn't the type to hold a grudge, especially with those he cared for. His hand came to rest atop hers and squeezed gently.

She gave him a lopsided smile before leaning up against him. "Good, because I hate it when you're upset with me."

"I hate when you have to deal with being abandoned out in the night." He murmured, not allowing her to forget about the fact that Sirius had done that. He let out a soft breath and ran a hand through her hair, pulling her closer to him, and though she was drunk, the move wasn't one that lacked romance.

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