☁︎ 𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 - 𝐝𝐨𝐥𝐥 ☁︎

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The neatly folded origami landed on the girl's desk with complete silence

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The neatly folded origami landed on the girl's desk with complete silence. It wasn't a flower, like persistent Sirius Black's last one; no, this one was a perfectly crafted frog that unfurled itself to reveal the words — neatly scrawled in vibrant red ink — Will you be my Valentine, doll?

Sirius whispered her name from behind, drawling her attention, before muttering in a hushed manner. "Reply this bloody time, will you? At this point, even a 'no' is enough for me."

A smile was placed on her lips as she looked back at him, his words only tempting her to tease him. "Or what?" She mouthed.

A grin spread across his face as his eyes darkened for a moment in mock anger at her taunting. "Or else I'll just have to kidnap you." He threatened in a quiet, low tone, his breath catching in his throat after a moment, as he had a vision of the two of them wrapped together in his bed. What was wrong with him? She would never accept the offer, he thought, feeling a stab of rejection hit him as he looked at her again. "And you know that you won't be able to escape me."

She sent him one last look before turning around in her seat to read his note once more. She stayed like that for a few moments before flipping her hair behind her shoulder. This was a common occurrence between the two, as he had been chasing her for years now. At this point in time, she found herself interested in him but continued her hard to get charade.

Sirius watched as one by one, she read and re-read the note, her fingers lightly tracing over the smooth surface. It was evident that it was something she found amusing. It made him slightly angry that she always managed to keep him on his toes, but at the same time it was what had kept him chasing her all this time.

He noticed how she tossed her hair behind her shoulder, and noticed how the slight gesture emphasized the curve of her neck, drawing his attention. He couldn't help but marvel at the simplicity of the act, yet it drew him in further.

It was a long few minutes before the note formed itself back into its frog like appearance from a simple swift of her wand. It jumped back to his desk to reveal a simple: Yes.

He had been just about to speak, frustrated for yet another minute in his attempts to woo the girl, but the moment the not flipped to the word 'yes' was when he froze.

His eyes grew wider in shock and disbelief as he looked back at her. For several moments, he seemed to be unable to speak, until he managed to get out, in a rough voice, "You're not joking..." He paused for a moment before adding, "Right?"

She looked over her shoulder with a pleased expression. "I guess you could say you won me over."

He couldn't contain the genuine grin that spread across his face at her words. This is exactly what he needed to him for him to be able to stop overthinking their dynamic. "I certainly did." He replied confidently, his tone suggesting a hint of amusement. "I knew sooner or later that you'd give in. All that resisting for nothing, doll."

She leaned her arm over the top of his desk. "What can I say? It's adorable to watch you sweat over me."

"Adorable?" He asked quietly, amused and intrigued. "Is that the objective you're using? Considering most of the time you've made my life a living hell?"

His tone quickly shifted out of curiosity into something more flirtatious and teasing as he continued. "Or perhaps you like to see me suffer?"

"I could never spill my secrets." She spoke quietly and softly as she sent a wink in his direction. "I was going to say yes ages ago, but this was more fun."

He rolled his eyes at her comment, smiling as he did so. His annoyance was evident but it was mostly for show, considering that he had secretly gotten a thrill out of her playing hard to get. "Ages ago, huh?" He asked, his tone slightly questioning. "This whole time you've been leading me by the nose and keeping me on my toes, just because you find it fun? Doll, that's just evil."

"I'll make it up to you." She spoke innocently, with a bit of a tease hidden within before her tone turned more seductive as she continued. "The real question is, do I make it up to you tonight or on Valentine's Day?"

Her words caught him off guard, and his brain instantly started imagining things, and his blood heated up in response. "Why not both?" He wondered before adding a little flirtatious teasing. "You can make it up to me tonight and then I'll really be in your debt on Valentine's Day."

She sent him a smirk. "Then looks like I'll see you in my bed tonight."

Sirius couldn't help but laugh at het braveness, even if he felt heat rise to his face. "I'll be counting the hours, doll. You'd better not make me wait."

Her eyes scanned the classroom to make sure no one was watching them, especially the professor, before leaning forward to leave a small, quick kiss on his lips when he least expected it.

The moment she kissed him, he instantly felt his blood surge through his veins, as his heart started beating hard against his chest. It was the most daring, yet sweetest gesture she had ever made for him; it sent a warm wave over his body, and made him instantly want more. He remained in the same spot for several moments, stunned, as he remembered the kiss, his mind suddenly running through the many different scenarios of the night to come.

She smiled as she let out a quiet laugh. The bell rung signaling the end of class, so with that she stood up and collected her things, acting as if nothing happened between the two only seconds ago. As she did so, Sirius couldn't help but feel slightly amused, yet confused. Her actions were always so sudden, and so inconsistent, it never failed to make him scratch his head in contemplation. He remained seated for a while, until he got up to gather his own things, heading out the door of the classroom.

She ran up behind him before he had the chance to completely get away, resting her hand on his shoulder before leaving a kiss on his cheek, her lips lingering there for a few seconds.

He froze as he felt her hand wrap around his shoulder and as the soft sensation of her lips pressed against his cheek. It was moments like these that made him scratch his head and wonder what exactly he had done to deserve her. She was simply so... bold.

"You have no shame." He mentioned, a hint of amusement in his tone. "You just do as you please, and when you please... regardless of where we are and who could be watching."

"I don't share what is mine." Those were the only words she spoke as her eyes scanned his face.

Sirius smiled at her words, and he couldn't help but let his mind create its own thoughts. "Are you claiming me, doll?" It seemed as if these little gestures and words were getting more and more bold each time, and he couldn't help but feel a little thrilled with each new step they took.

She sent him a little nod as she backed away. "Mine." She repeated with a smirk before turning on her heel and running off to her next class.

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