☁︎ 𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐮𝐬 𝐥𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐧 - 𝐜𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐬 ☁︎

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Remus snatched the cigarette pack out of her hand, pocketing them

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Remus snatched the cigarette pack out of her hand, pocketing them. "No." He murmured sharply, brilliant brown eyes narrowed with a combination of anger and concern.

"How many times do I have to tell you? No. This." He shook his own cigarettes in front of her face, "Will kill you — you're asthmatic! No, I won't let you fuck up your lungs." Remus concluded, whilst simultaneously taking a drag of his now lit cigarette. He lazily wrapped his free arm around her waist.

"Do you realize how hypocritical that is?" She questioned him as he blew the smoke out. "I'm not allowed to mess my lungs up, but you can?"

"I mean, I don't have asthma, so there's that.". He pointed out with a teasing grin. He then took another drag from his cigarette whilst maintaining eye contact with her. "Besides, I can quit whenever I want. I know my limits."

"You say that, but you can't ever last longer than three days without one." She huffed while lazily placing an arm around his neck.

"Alright, I'll admit, I'm a bit dependent on them. But it's still me that chooses whether or not I smoke." He explained. He then leaned his head against hers, his body heat radiating through the fabric of her clothing.

"Then it should be me to decide if I smoke or not." She placed the hand that was not wrapped around him in between them. "Hand them over."

Remus cocked an eyebrow as he glanced down at the hand that she had placed between them. He then took another drag of his cigarette and then blew the smoke out into the air as he spoke again. "No." He said, his tone teasing. The corner of his lips curved, a smirk evident on his lips. "Mine."

"Remus Lupin, now."

"What?" He murmured, a chuckle escaping his lips as he realized that she'd actually used his name. It always seemed so formal when she used it. It was endearing in an odd way. "That sounded kind of hot." He joked. "But no."

"Oh, get off it." She mumbled. "Please." She gave him a sweet smile, pushing her hand into his chest a bit.

His eyes softened as he stared down at her, her hand on his chest as she pushed it into him. He couldn't help but feel a jolt of adrenaline from
her touch. As a result, he was beginning to forget what they were even arguing about in the first place.

Taking one last drag from his cigarette, he finally relented. "Only because you were so adorable." He murmured with a wry grin, reaching into his pocket and handing her back her cigarette pack.

She took it back with no problem and placed it into her own pocket. "See? It wasn't that hard to be that nice."

"Ugh, since when do I have to be nice to you?" He grumbled, though his entire tone wasn't entirely devoid of playfulness. "You never seem to be nice to me."

She leaned up and pressed a kiss to his cheek. "I can be nice when I want to be, only to you though."

As she kissed his cheek, his gaze faltered for a couple of seconds. Remus felt his chest tighten, the act of affection was almost too sweet. The moment was interrupted as he cleared his throat and glanced away. "Yeah, sure." He murmured, his tone still teasing. "Maybe if I'm really lucky, you might actually kiss my lips too."

"Now that's stretching your luck." She teased once she was back flat on her feet. She took her finger and swirled a piece of hair around in her finger.

He smirked down at her while she played with his hair. It felt nice.. maybe a little too nice. His stomach flipped ever so slightly, the feeling of adrenaline now coursing through him once again. "Yeah, maybe it is." He paused. "But you never know, you might surprise me."

She moved her fingers down over the scars on his face, something she did often to show that she loved every single part of him, every part that he would call a flaw. "I guess you'll have to be on your best behavior then."

Remus' chest tightened as her fingers caressed his scars, an action that she performed often to show him her appreciation. She wasn't repulsed by his injuries... in fact, it was quite the opposite. The realization made his chest feel funny, the sensation now escalating to an intense flutter.

"For you..." He murmured, glancing down at her with a playfully mocking grin. "... I'm always on my best behavior."

"Hmm." She hummed softly before running her fingers over his bottom lip before dragging it down softly. "You're really pretty."

His entire body went numb. The sensation of her touch made his breath quicken, the flutter now escalating to full-blown butterflies in his stomach. "I'm pretty?" He repeated, his voice low and hoarse. His gaze shifted in between her fingers and her eyes as she did so. That wasn't quite the compliment he would've expected... but it did leave a bright smile on his lips.

"Pretty, and mine." She answered him softly before pressing her lips against his in a sweet, passionate kiss.

Remus' lips parted at the feeling of her lips against his, a low moan escaping him. Their breath mingled together, the sweet scent of her perfume overwhelming his senses. He wrapped his arms tightly around her, pulling her close as the kiss deepened. All other thoughts and worries seemed to disappear in that moment, that feeling of butterflies, butterflies and adrenaline now intensifying with the addition of new emotion: heat.

Their lips separated only momentarily before Remus pushed his back up the nearest tree, his tongue gently massaging against the inside of her mouth. Every touch of her body made him shiver, the heat growing inside of him once again. His hands ran along the side of her body, squeezing her gently in all the right places. There was no denying that he did not want this to end; he was desperate to make it last.

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