☁︎ 𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 - 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝 ☁︎

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Late in the stillness of the night, around four in the morning, she was roused from her slumber by a chorus of frantic yells

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Late in the stillness of the night, around four in the morning, she was roused from her slumber by a chorus of frantic yells. Her eyes were forced open and landed on the empty bedsheets beside her. The duvet had been flung to her side, enveloping her, and her husband Sirius was not on his side of the bed.

A sinewy, lean figure paced back and forth rapidly; the lights switched on, and she recognized a panicked Sirius. Clearing his throat, he stated worriedly, "I can't find my bloody wedding ring."

She squinted at the sudden light as she propped herself up on her elbows. "Your wedding ring?" She questioned him, as if astonished that was the reasoning for her awakening.

"Yes, my bloody wedding ring." He snapped as he continued to pace rapidly. He ran a hand through his dark hair, clearly agitated. In his other hand, he grasped a cigarette, taking several puffs in between his frantic rant. "You of all people should know how important it is." He spat out, the tension palpable as he paused to lean against the wall. His jaw was tensed tightly, his voice was loud and harsh.

"Did you take it off before you showered?" She asked as she rubbed the tiredness from her eyes.

"Of course I took it off before I showered." He scoffed, glaring at her as if she was the dumbest person alive. "Why would I need a ring on while I'm soaking wet in the damn shower?"

With a dramatic sigh, he took another puff of his cigarette, glancing around their bedroom. "I set it on the dresser while changing, and now it's disappeared into the abyss."

She slid herself out of bed, placing the fluffy slippers onto her feet to protect her from the cold floor. She made her way slowly over to the dresser, first double-checking the top before looking on the ground near it. Nothing. She took a deep breath before she opened a few drawers, rummaging through them before she finally pulled out his ring to which she held in the air without a word.

Sirius glanced over at her, his mood instantly softening. A smirk curled across his lips as he took notice of the wedding ring held aloft. "Damn, woman." He exclaimed, sauntering towards her. "You'd make a damn good detective." He teased as he reached her, a hand reaching out for the ring.

She smiled softly before she took his hand and slid the ring on for him. "You constantly misplace things, I'm just use to it by now."

"Is that so?" He tilted his head to one side with a smug grin, not caring that she'd basically just admitted to be using to his flaws. With the ring comfortably on his finger, he took note of her appearance as she stood there, looking almost like a delicate flower in her fluffy slippers. "God, you're so damn beautiful." He breathed, his free hand coming to a rest on her hip.

"I am, aren't I?" She smirked before slipping away from him. "I need to return to my beauty sleep, try not to wake me up again."

"Mhm, you certainly are." Sirius chuckled, admiring the way her curls bounced as she walked away from him. Seeing such a beautiful woman walk away was a rare treat, and he relished in it. "I'll be quiet, don't you worry." He cooed, his sight never leaving her.

Once he was sure she returned to bed, he flicked off the lights and joined her.

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