☁︎ 𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐥𝐮𝐬 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 - 𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 ☁︎

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When she'd shown up at Regulus' dormitory for a reason she couldn't quite remember, he frowned in that all-knowing, faux concerned way of his and hauled her into his quarters, practically shoving her into a seated position against the headboard of...

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When she'd shown up at Regulus' dormitory for a reason she couldn't quite remember, he frowned in that all-knowing, faux concerned way of his and hauled her into his quarters, practically shoving her into a seated position against the headboard of his bed. The grey silken sheets crumpled beneath her, and the same occurred to a pillow when Regulus splayed a hand upon her shoulder, pushing her back into it.

It was officially clamped between her back and the hardwood of the headboard.

"You look like you have some bloody illness." He remarked with condescension, his brilliant grey eyes flickering over her in a precautionary measure to ensure there was no surface injures. Satisfied with his once over, he angled himself towards the dresser, rummaging in search of a vial of —

There it was, swirling in a shrunken vial. Goblin piss, in all of its fouled odored, Gringott's originating glory.

Using his teeth to pop the serum open, Regulus spat the cork into the bin flippantly (how did it land? he must've had some sort of experience..). Then, promptly, he thrust the vial inches from her face in a rather persistent motion.

It was laughable that she hadn't uttered a single word as of yet, though Regulus had issued a series of demands.

"Drink this, before you contaminate my bedsheets with whatever sickness you're carrying about." He gave a long suffering sigh, his features contorting into an expression that suggested she had made some personal offense towards him.

A frown became evident on her face. "I feel like this is a trick..." She spoke seriously, feeling a bit of suspicion. "What if you try to poison me? Kill me off?"

"I am very unlikely to kill you off — I do need your company." Regulus offered with a slight scoff, rolling his eyes in a dismissive manner as though the thought had irritated him. "You are, in a word, mine. I won't let you die, not yet."

He offered a small half-grin, one corner of his mouth twitching upward in the process. He'd paused for a moment, looking her up and down, though his gaze evidently returned to the still-open vial contained in his grip.

She raised an eyebrow before lean forward to get a smell of the vial, scrunching her nose up in the process. "Oh thank Merlin, it's not a love potion. But it bloody stinks."

"No one would waste a love potion on you." Regulus muttered in a slightly bitter, under-his-breath manner. It was difficult to discern whether or not he intended to say his true, insulting thoughts aloud, but nonetheless there was an air of arrogance about him that was borderline terrifying.

"Now, will you drink it?" With an another impatient gesture, he motioned for her to take the vial from him so that she might consume the contents.

"Will you stop being mean?" She remarked, taking the vial from him, taking a second to eye it carefully as if it were to explode.

"And will you stop being incompetent?" He retorted without missing a beat, returning her gaze with one of his own, though his icy gaze was hard, and void of any softness.

Regulus crossed his arms with a sharp exhale, his eyebrows arching upward at the end of his sentence. He watched her suspiciously as she eyed the vial, no doubt he'd sensed the hesitation that had overcome her.

She let out a frustrated huff before throwing back the vile like a shot, only causing herself to gag. "What the hell is this!?" She managed to say before coughing into her shirt, absolutely disgusted.

"Goblin piss." He simply stated, not elaborating further. A small smile twitched upon his lips in the moment of concoction passed her lips and began to gag and cough, and the bastard couldn't have enjoyed anything more.

He watched her with a satisfied, almost sadistic expression upon his face as she continued to retch — it was if he'd been waiting for this moment.

She shot him a glare as her eyebrows furrowed. "I'm going to kill you, you prick. I knew you were trying to get rid of me."

"Me, trying to get rid of you?" He scoffed, and the hint of a smile he'd been sporting immediately faded at the sight of her glare.

"Do you seriously believe I would try to rid myself of my own property?" He questioned, looking her up and down once more. "As I said before, I won't let you die."

"Property?" She exclaimed dramatically. "Oh, you're just plain mean tonight, aren't you?" She lifted her hands up and pretended to strangle him from a distance.

"You're damn right I'm mean." Regulus confirmed, as if it wasn't obvious. "But you're mine." He continued, ignoring her dramatic expression and feigning stranglehold as he placed his hands beside him and crossed his legs. It wasn't an exaggeration when he referred to her as his property, and he made that clear to her before.

Her presence pleased him, albeit in a sick, twisted way that he knew she found repulsive. But he was more than sure that she would never protest to him.

"You'll be lucky if you wake up with hair in the morning." She threatened as she threw herself into a pout like a child.

"Mm, threats now, are we?" Regulus questioned, unable to contain a smirk from spreading over the features of his face. It was almost comical seeing her so animated, but he wouldn't have it any other way.

He observed her closely as she threw herself into a pout, his eyes trailing her movements, but after a while, he let out an amused huff. "How old are you again?" He questioned, unable to refrain from teasing her.

"Shut up." She mumbled, picking up the now empty vial, throwing it at him. "What crawled up your ass today?"

He caught the vial midair and glared at her, a slight smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. "Not sure, yet my mood has certainly improved."

His stare shifted from the vial to her once more. "And how about you? You're usually quite docile, but you seem to be feeling rather feisty tonight. What's the matter? Mad that I've insulted you? I thought you'd have been used to that by now."

"I think I deserve a kiss for simply having to deal with you." She leaned forward as she spoke.

"You've gotta be kidding me." Regulus muttered, but his gaze met hers, his expression softening momentarily.

With an almost imperceptible sigh, he leaned forward as well, pressing his lips against hers in quick gesture. He felt an unnecessary amount of satisfaction as she leaned into the kiss, and a hint of a smirk remained on his lips as he pulled away.

"No, no." She spoke softly before grabbing onto his shirt. "Come back." She tugged and met his lips again, taking her sweet time morphing her lips to his.

He was taken aback momentarily by her sudden demand, caught off guard by her tight grip and gentle tug. But despite his initial startled reaction, he took no time to return her kiss, pushing all thoughts of his own irritation aside. His lips claimed hers immediately, and he met her every movement, savoring the feel of her lips.

A sharp breath escaped Regulus as his hand gripped back of her head and pulled her against him. It was a possessive act, but he couldn't help it.

So much for getting sick.

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