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Sirius Black had no idea what the two of them were

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Sirius Black had no idea what the two of them were. The ongoing situation had been confusing as it had been pleasant; she was his, but she was not his, a paradox his flawed logic tended to murmur on nights where she would linger in his mind right before sleep claimed him.

The idea of her with someone else irked him beyond measure, but it was not within him to progress anything with her either. He was Sirius Black, commitment was a concept he was haunted by; why tie himself down to one person when he had options, and could explore? His reputation would be shat on if he expanded their relationship beyond the common realm of the shadows of his dorm and chilly outskirts of Hogsmeade — his friends would never let him hear the end of it.

That did not mean that he would stand for someone flirting with her. A simmering of annoyance in his gut indicated to him that he was a bit more invested in her than he wanted to think.

"Why were you engaging with that.." Sirius' words tampered off, his brows furrowing in mild ire as he continued to allow her to run her fingers through his black hair. These nocturnal rendezvous in the sanctum of his dormitory were a commonality, the door locked so James and Remus would not burst in randomly.

"You know I don't like it when people look at you like that." The gryffindor added, a huff escaping his throat as he shifted to sprawl more throughly on his four poster, the sheets rustling underneath him. "Only I'm allowed to look at you like that. You're fortunate I left their noses intact."

A brow rose at his words. "Is that so?" She moved her hands down to cup his cheeks before leaning in until they were sharing the same breaths. "Last time I checked. I'm a free woman."

He could not argue with the fact that she was free. After all, she did not belong to him. But, that did not mean his jealousy wouldn't continue to stir up at the thought of her with someone else.

"Only free until I take you off the market." He said, his hands coming to meet hers; he wrapped his fingers around her wrists, his thumb tracing her skin. His lips thinned in frustration. "Don't make me do something we'll both regret."

"As if you would do such a thing." She teased as she placed her lips on the corner of his mouth before moving them on top of his in a sweet kiss.

He knew well that he would never harm her, but he liked the playfulness that emerged between the two of them whenever she teased him about his temper.

"You do things you know I don't like, and then have the audacity to make yourself sound like the victim." He whispered, eyes fluttering closed as she placed another kiss on his lips. "You enjoy making me jealous, don't you? You know I can't stand you even speaking to another guy."

A small smile creeped on her lips as she acted innocently. "Now, why would I do such a thing?"

"Don't play innocent with me." He growled, his teeth gritting together. He knew just how well she enjoyed playing with his emotions. He also knew that he enjoyed it just as much, despite his frustration with the situation.

"You love the idea of me getting mad with jealousy — it's exciting for you." He whispered, and he felt a rush of satisfaction at the look in her eye.

"Oh, in fact, it turns me on." Her eyebrows wiggled in a tease. "Plus, it's fun knowing that you won't do anything about it other than pout."

Sirius felt his chest swell with annoyance at those words. "I will do something about it." He muttered, his hand coming to curl around her thigh. He was determined to keep his cool, but there was only so much he would take from her; he had a limit, and she knew it.

She shrugged, unfazed by his words. "That's the thing, you won't. Too afraid to ruin your image."

"I don't care about my image." He said, his annoyance intensifying. He knew she knew that all too well, which irritated him further. His thumb started tracing circles on her thigh, but his hand was curling tighter around her leg. "What I care about is you."

"Calm down, buster. I'm messing with you." She leaned back against the pillow as her eyes scanned his face full of frustration.

"I know you're messing with me." Sirius exclaimed, his grip on her thigh loosening even if it was only by a smidge. "But that doesn't make it any less infuriating."

"How am I supposed to keep my cool when you're doing all of this." He gestured wildly at the two of them, and his own flushed and furious features. "You know I like you."

"You don't act like it. Only behind closed doors." She recalled, knowing he was in some type of battle within himself when it came to this topic.

"Behind closed doors is the only place that matters to me." Sirius spoke, and he was not going to deny his words; he knew they were true enough. "You're mine, and it doesn't have to be public for it to be true."

"I'm not your girlfriend, Sirius. You can't just claim me." She admitted. She knew she was going to dampen the mood when she spoke more. "One day, someone is going to want me, show me off, let the whole world know."

The mere thought of some other guy looking at her, let alone showing her off and parading her around, infuriated him. She was his and only his; the selfish part of him wanted to claim her solely for himself, to lock away and never let anyone even look in her direction.

"I would never let that happen." He whispered, leaning closer to her. He placed his lips on her jaw, and his hand came around to the small of her back, as he ran his fingertips along her skin.

"You will, and only because you're too scared to claim me for yourself, to make things official." She breathed out. "What we have behind closed doors is amazing, but we both want different things."

"Why does that have to ruin what we have?" He whispered, his frustration simmering down a bit. "Why do things have to become official for it to matter? You are mine, and I am yours, isn't that enough?"

His fingers dug into her skin as his hands tightened around her. "Nothing else needs to happen. Just us, and no one else — that is all that matters."

Slowly, she found herself caving into him as she always had. She always dreamed of the perfect boyfriend, the marriage, the kids. But now? All she knew is that she didn't want to go on without Sirius, no matter the label. "You're right, as much as I hate to admit it."

Sirius sighed with relief as she succumbed to his words, her resistance crumbling at once. He knew she was stubborn, and he knew it took awhile to break her down.

When she leaned in to him, he wrapped his arms tighter around her body. "Nothing else matters but us, no matter what." He spoke, his nose grazing against her cheek. "Just you and me."

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