☁︎ 𝐣𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 - 𝐝𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝 ☁︎

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James yawned, exhausted and slightly tipsy as a direct result of the Christmas party that his friends had hosted

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James yawned, exhausted and slightly tipsy as a direct result of the Christmas party that his friends had hosted. He slouched against the couch, twirling a goblet of red wine with a lazy grin stretching on his lips. "This is the life." He laughed obnoxiously, rolling his head back and exhaling heavily.

He seemed oblivious to the fact that Sirius had blacked out from drinking too much, and Remus was slithering upstairs with a hufflepuff's hand clasped in his own.

Directly addressing her, James remarked, "You'd make a cute elf. One of Santa's, or Dumbledore's, little helpers." His brilliant blue eyes glittering with amusement.

In her drunken state, she attempted to glare at him as she sat down on the opposite end of the couch, resting her legs over his. "An elf? You must be joking."

He smirked. "Yes, an elf. Tiny, cute, and extremely adorable." He nudged her, chuckling at her obvious irritation. "And then of course, there's the fact you'd make perfect eye candy dressed up in the most revealing elf costume. I bet you'd look even cuter all flushed and red from the cold. Mmm..." He teased in a low voice.

"Are you seriously having dirty thoughts about me right now? With me here?" She gasped out. "You dirty little bastard."

"Guilty." James chuckled out, nudging her leg with his own. "I can't help it, darling. You're so adorable." He smirked as his gaze traveled down her body, lingering on her legs for a bit too long. "Those legs and that curvy little body..." He mumbled out, his hand curling around her ankle.

She had to physically restrain herself from rolling her eyes. "Keep dreaming." She yawned out, practically bored.

He laughed at her response. "Oh, I am dreaming alright. I'm dreaming of all the things I could do to you, with you." His hand trailed up her calf, coming a few inches within her thigh. "The things I could do to you, or have you do to me..." He continued to tease, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Her eyes scanned the room to make sure no one was eavesdropping on their conversation, her eyes lingering on a snoring Sirius for a short second. "If you think I'm taking you to my room tonight, you are mistaken."

"Oh, really?" He smirked, his voice held a mix of amusement and a challenge. "Let's say, hypothetically, that I insisted that we take this somewhere else. And I mean insisted, as in, I'm not accepting no for an answer. Would you give in, or would you fight me?"

"Hypothetically, I am not answering that question." She fired back, a small smirk forming on her lips as she rubbed her thighs together.

"Oh, but why not? Are you scared?" He baited, taking a sip from his goblet. "Or are you just that keen on fighting me? You're lucky we've got a few guests around. Otherwise, I'd be having my hands all over you as we speak."

"Sirius doesn't seem to notice." She pointed out as she leaned her body closer towards his own, now enjoying this little game between them.

James smirked, his gaze traveling up and down her body once more. He then let out a low, huskier voice. "Sirius is unconscious, he can't notice anything right now. Not even if we were to, let's say, move down to my room." He chuckled, his free arm now wrapping around her waist, pulling her even closer so their bodies were touching.

She ran her hands along his chest, admiring the way it was partially exposed with the first few buttons of his shirt undone. She nibbled down on her bottom lip before speaking. "I wouldn't be opposed to the idea."

James smiled, taking her answer as a green light. In one swift motion, he grabbed her hand and squeezed it with his own, pulling her to her feet. "Then come with me." He spoke, his eyes sparkling with a devilish glint as he lead her towards the stairs.

"Better watch out, once I'm in there, I'm not leaving." She teased, giggling at herself stumbling behind him.

He chuckled as he guided her to his room. "Oh, I fully intend to make sure that you don't want to leave." He smirked down as her as he swung the door open. "After all, I intend to make this a very memorable Christmas for you... as well as myself." He added in a huskier tone before closing the door behind them.

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