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James sat on the bathroom floor beside the bubble filled tub

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James sat on the bathroom floor beside the bubble filled tub. The soft movement which was created by her every move filled the space as well as the little rant she'd decided to go on. James had only learned to let her talk — not that he minded it either way.

"Well, darling, I'm not the one who put studying for O.W.L.S off to the last minute." He crooned mockingly. "I tried to study with you, and you know it." He said as he glanced over at her.

She slumped her shoulders as she went deeper into the bath, bubbles covering almost every inch of her. "It doesn't matter if I started studying a month ago, I'm not prepared."

"And that's my fault?" James raised a brow — a smirk was already forming as he watched her pout. "You had plenty of time to get your work done." He said, using his hands to make his point. "But now because you didn't get it done, I have to sit here and watch you pout in the bath." He added, rolling his eyes. "I could just leave, you know. Leave you alone with your thoughts."

She shot him a sudden glare. "You wouldn't dare." She let out an angry huff of air, growing more frustrated. "I'll just start yelling."

"You think that would bother me?" He asked with a chuckle. "I've heard you rant before — about a lot dumber things too, might I add. I remember you yelling at your broom because it got stuck to the wall after you flew into it." He scoffed as he crossed his arms. "It would be music to my ears."

She suddenly lifted her hands up, taking a handful of water and throwing it at him. "You're being rude."

James frowned, tilting his head back to avoid getting his face completely soaked in the process. "That was uncalled for." He said, trying to maintain his calm composure.

"I'm not being rude." He retorted as he stared directly into her. "I'm just telling you the truth." He smirked as he waited for her reaction to which she repeated the same motion of throwing water onto him, this time getting some bubbles on him, causing her to laugh.

Suddenly an idea popped into her head. "Come here, I want to give you a bubble beard."

He stared her down before slowly kneeling in front of the tub. "Fine, but only if you don't splash me with water again." He looked in, seeing all the many bubbles floating around. "A bubble beard?" His curiosity was piqued as he looked back up at her.

A bright smile was plastered on her lips as she scooped up a handful of bubbles, to which she placed around his mouth. "Now aren't you handsome." She cooed as she added more.

He rolled his eyes as he remained still. As he opened his mouth to say something, more bubbles were placed on his mouth, silencing him momentarily.

"I know you think this is funny." He said, trying to control his laughter. "But I will get my revenge."

"I know." She gleamed happily. "It is oh so worth it."

"You're just lucky I have manners." He replied with another roll of his eyes. "If I didn't, I would have already taken my revenge." He said as he tried hard to get some of the bubbled off his face.

"This isn't even funny." He griped.

She swatted at his hands as if they were a pesky fly. "Don't you dare ruin my masterpiece." She muttered unhappily, adding more bubbles around his face and then smacked a few in between his eyebrows. "Now you have a unibrow for misbehaving."

Seeing how she seemed determined to cover his face with bubbles, James decided it would be no use to resist as he stayed perfectly still with his mouth closed. He let out a grunt of disapproval as his hands got swatted away.

"I look ridiculous." He grumbled as he saw even more bubbles getting added. "Please stop."

She placed her hands on each side of his jawline before she pressed her lips into his dramatically. She stayed there for a few seconds before pulling away, her own face now covered in bubbles. "Now we look like idiots together."

James was in mid-complaint about the amount of bubbles she put on him when she suddenly pressed her lips into his and took him by surprise. Once she pulled away from him, he looked at her with a stunned expression. "I.."

He was cut off as he realized she had her own bubble beard and now they were both in the same predicament. James let out an amused snort. "We look stupid."

She was beaming, a huge smile plastered on her face. "I look fabulous, don't deny it."

"Fabulous isn't a word I would use." He replied. "Stupid, idiotic, a fool." He was listing off every synonym of stupid.

He stared back at her as a smirk appeared on his face. "But I'm not denying the fact that we look like imbeciles."

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