☁︎ 𝐣𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 - 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐝 ☁︎

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"My hands are cold

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"My hands are cold." James sulked as he ambled into the still atmosphere, his boots sinking into the thick snow as he trudged across the courtyard. Somehow, despite this little escapade late after curfew being his suggestion, he was the one voicing his complaints. He shouldn't have chose a chilling night in winter — but James Potter was the spontaneous sort, who never spared a second thought towards common sense. Then again, much like his band of misfit friends, he never double took on anything.

When she took his allegedly cold hands — which were quite warm — a sly grin touched his lips and he leaned forwards, yet somehow didn't fall flat on his face. Classic James; defying everything, even gravity.

Mirth swam in his doe eyes as he mused, "You know, my lips are feeling pretty cold, too." He shot her a wink, his flirtation had no bounds.

"Isn't that a shame?" She teased. "Cover them with your jacket."

"Or you could warm them up for me." James offered with an eyebrow waggle, his grin deepening. There was, of course, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes that told her all she needed to know about his intentions. However, he was a good one, and would never attempt to cross any lines without her approval.

She couldn't help the smile that took over her features. She stood up on her toes, grabbing onto his jacket for stability as she brushed her lips against his, but not daring to kiss him, yet.

The second her mouth brushed his, his body shivered with satisfaction, his heart rate quickening as his breath was caught in his throat with surprise. Her lips were like heaven's doors on a freezing day. He had to have her. Right there and then. With his free hand, he took ahold of her and pulled her into an embrace, his lips attacking hers in ferocity that surprised himself; he never quite realized how much he had wanted her until this very moment, but this kiss was long overdue, and he wasn't going to hold back.

Her hands moved up to his cheeks as she kissed him with so much passion, so much meaning. Their lips moved together in sync, devouring one another. She took his bottom lips in between his teeth softly as she pulled slightly on it.

Their lips were a perfect fit, meshing together like jigsaw pieces; the type that would only get more snug and comfortable as time passed. Her hands on his cheeks were a welcomed touch, his fingertips grazing her skin while she nibbled on his bottom lip. James couldn't help but moan softly at the sensation, his hand resting on the small of her back. Though it had only been seconds, time seemed forgotten as an eternity during the kiss. It was blissful and he wanted this moment for a long time.

Though he was much taller than her, his lips were like a magnet, pulling her up. She stayed there for a moment enjoying every second before pulling away breathlessly, her cheeks a slight pink.

Once the kiss was broken, James couldn't help but stare at her, the sight of her pinked cheeks and breathless expression stirring something inside of him. He could feel his pulse pounding in his ears, and every breath he took was shaky. It took some time for him to get his bearings back, but once he did he felt a small smile inch towards his lips. "I think we should do that again." He chucked softly.

"Don't get too full of yourself, you're not that lucky." She smirked, her tone full of mischief. Her eyes scanned his face, taking in every little feature.

He was taken aback by her response and had to stifle a laugh at her snarky comment. It was clear that she was just as into him as he was her, and he loved her playful attitude. He smirked right back, his eyes scanning her face as well, drinking her in. "Are you sure?" He teased, inching close to her, placing his hands on her hips and letting himself lean in as if he was going to touch his mouth to hers again.

She started to lean in as well before moving to the side, avoiding his lips purposely and teasing before she kissed his cheek inside. "You're going to have to try harder than that." She whispered in his ear.

James was almost shocked her sudden avoidance. He could only feel his face flush and his heart started beating faster, his breath quickening at her words. She had to be playing games with him, but maybe that's what he needed. It was more interesting that way. "Is that a challenge?" He asked, a smirk forming on his lips as he pulled away, just enough, his expression one with playful intent.

She stayed close to his face, only an inch separating them. "It is, let's see how good you are." She challenged.

He couldn't help but feel that flutter in his stomach when she stayed so close. He looked into her eyes, noticing the way her expression was taunting, but the look had him intrigued more than anything. It was as if she wanted him to work hard for a simple kiss, and there was no way in hell he was going to fail. He wasn't the kind of bloke to back down over a challenge, least of all when it came to a girl he fancied. "This is going to be fun." He groaned.

Her mouth stayed shut as she got lost in his blue eyes, something about them in themselves made her melt. He loved that he could do that; make her melt with a single look. They were a perfect match physically, too; their lips looked as if they belonged together in a painting or a storybook. The thought made him smirk slightly, and he felt himself become even more motivated to claim her lips as his own once more.

"Oh, fuck it." She mumbled to herself before she pushed him down with a hand on the back of his neck, locking their lips together.

James felt the rush of passion sweep over him the second their lips connected. Their tongues dueled with one another, battling with every move as if it were a competition to see how much they could excite the other. At one point, he had thought she had won, for he could feel his body begin to swarm with anticipation, but then, in an instant, he knew that he had taken back control. He was the one who would come out as victorious in this little game of theirs.

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