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After some pushing of the persistent Regulus Black, she caved and let him fall asleep in her bed instead of the guest room

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After some pushing of the persistent Regulus Black, she caved and let him fall asleep in her bed instead of the guest room. She had barely slept, anxiously awaiting morning to see if he would regret showing up at her door in the middle of the night.

That brings them to now, where the girl found herself resting again the wooden headboard of the king sized bed, reading a book. She appeared to be patiently waiting for the male to wake up from his beauty sleep.

Eventually, Regulus did wake up. The light of morning flooding its way through the curtains around her bedroom window, and he found himself the tiniest bit of disoriented for all of three seconds before the memories of the previous night came back to him. He sat up in the bed, rubbing the drowsiness from his eyes and his hair at the same time. "Good morning." He murmured, smiling a bit as he looked around her room for a moment.

She carefully placed her book down into her lap, turning her head in his direction to give him a smile in return. "Good morning, handsome." She bit down on her lip as she realized how strong she started off. "Finally back to your senses?"

He laughed, nodding. "Back to my senses?" He repeated quietly, amused at how much of them he'd lost last night. "I'm not so sure. The hangover, perhaps. The regret? No. Though I guess time will tell on that."

He grinned mischievously, looking up at her. "Not that I have any regrets so far. Last night was far more beautiful than I could have planned... but then, that's always been the case with you, hasn't it?"

Her smile only grew bigger. "I suppose so. Happy to see you not running away for once."

He let out another small laugh, leaning his neck back as he stretched. "What makes you so certain I'm not going to run? I'm not so sure about that. Yet." He smiled, though more genuinely this time, a certain quiet, almost self-conscious pride evident in the way he looked at her. "But in all seriousness, I don't plan on it."

"Good." She nodded before shifting in her spot to lay on her side to view him better. "I would have never expect to allow an ex-boyfriend to sleep in the same bed as me."

He followed her actions, turning to his side as well. He seemed amused, his eyebrows raised in amusement. "You know, for a girl so adamant on sticking to the no-contact rule, you seem awfully unbothered by my presence right now."

"Oh, hush." She waved him off dramatically. "I think we both know how much of a mistake that bloody rule was, after all, you're the one who broke it first."

He ran a hand through his hair as he smiled. "That is true. That is very true." He looked at her again, seeming to think for a moment before speaking again. "I still never quite understood why we made that rule anyway. What did we think it would do for us exactly?"

"Apparently nothing. That's all it showed." She shrugged, remembering the exact moment of when the rule was put into place. Maybe to try to prevent more heartbreak? Who knows.

He stared at her in silence, a deep furrow on his brow as he thought over the memory of that specific day. He'd always regretted how it was done, but never more than he did now in the moment, looking at her and truly wishing for his younger self to do many things differently. "What a naive rule. I should have listened to my instincts — maybe things wouldn't have gone so horribly wrong if I had."

"The past is the past, no need to dwell on it now when we have the futures in our eyes." She responded causally.

He smiled, seeming to genuinely appreciate her words. "You are so wise, it's truly absurd." He ran a hand along her arm softly. "You are right, in any case. We should not he focused on what could've been, but rather on what could now be. We can't change the past after all.." After a beat, he said, "We can only go forward."

She scrunched up her nose as she smiled. "I'm very happy that you decided to show up at my door, you couldn't gave my neighbors a show, however." An eyebrow raised, and she smirked in amusement before continuing. "Though I may have had to kick you to the curb for entertainment purposes."

Regulus laughed, a laugh that was much less restrained this time. "That would've been quite the show." He smirked playfully, nudging her with his elbow. "Of course, I think I'd be quite entertaining in such a situation, kicking and screaming? It's the least I could do for you."

He grinned, his words almost sarcastic. "Perhaps in a different world I'd like that."

A smile replaced her teasing smirk. "Is that so? You believe we're soulmates in other universes?"

Regulus nodded. "At the risk of sounding stupid — yes. I think we were meant to be with each other." He looked up at her earnestly, his voice softer as usual. "Though we may have different faces, different lives... I will always know."

His eyes trailed back down over her features, drinking them in like the fine wine from the night before. "You. It will always be you that I know in my heart, that I was meant to be with."

She placed her hand under his chin as she went in for a sweet, loving kiss that she had longed for over the past few months. That was all she ever needed to hear to confirm her suspicions when it came to his love, he would always be her soulmate, in this universe and many more.

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