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Remus felt an inconsolable level of guilt when he reckoned he would be unable to fulfill his Valentine's Day plans, due to a full moon occurring the night before February 14th

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Remus felt an inconsolable level of guilt when he reckoned he would be unable to fulfill his Valentine's Day plans, due to a full moon occurring the night before February 14th.

He wasn't quite sure what was worse; himself acknowledging this, or him having to inform her that she'd spend majority of Valentine's Day alone — all thanks to him.

Merlin, he felt like a complete ass.

"I'm really, really sorry — I didn't even realize, but on the thirteenth it's a full moon, and I can't.." Remus trailed off, fidgeting with the hem of his worn brown sweater anxiously. Guilt emanated him in waves.

She took his hands in her small ones to put a stop to his fidgeting. "Remus, my love, it is not your fault."

He paused, only just noticing the soothing and comfort of her warm hands gripping his own. He was about to retort, still blaming himself for the whole thing, but decided against it when she soothed him — a feat that was a lot harder than one would think.

He couldn't help the way he fell slightly weaker at her touch, he couldn't help the way his fingers slowly laced themselves with hers either. "Yes it is." His expression darkened. "You didn't sign up for this."

She looked up at him with a look full of warmth. "But I did." She started, her voice only a whisper. "The moment I fell in love with you, I signed up for it. But I do not regret that, not even the tiniest bit."

The moment she said that, Remus felt his heart plummet. Not with fear, not with anxiety, not with grief — with love. He pulled her close to him, hands cupping her face, gaze locking on to hers, and kissed her tenderly. "I love you." He whispered after, pulling away. "And I hate that you have to miss out on the biggest day in the world just because I'm a bloody werewolf."

"I love you too." She responded sweetly. "Besides, we can always have our date ahead of schedule."

"You're too perfect for me." He murmured against her mouth, one hand brushing through her hair and the other wrapping around her. At her suggestion, his mood lightened, it was as if a weight was lifted off of his shoulders — that or she had him wrapped around her little finger.

His lips curved into a smile, the softest and most adoring smile that one could ever find. "I wouldn't want it any other way."

A slight blush overtook her cheeks as her arms wrapped around him in a tight embrace. She rested her head upon his chest as she listened to his heartbeat. "Plus, it's a good thing I'm not the biggest fan of Valentine's Day, so don't feel so guilty."

"You're not fond of Valentine's Day?" Remus' smile grew slightly wider, his gaze softening as he placed a gentle kiss upon her head. A moment of silence passed, and he couldn't help the giddy and happy look that took over his face. He pulled her closer to him and nuzzled his face into her hair. "Thank Merlin, I thought I was the only one..."

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