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Remus Lupin bloody hated the moon

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Remus Lupin bloody hated the moon. Everyone else in the world spoke of its beauty and splendor, how it was a marvel of the world that should be celebrated — but for a werewolf like himself, it was living hell on a full moon. Yes, he understood why the moon was a marvel; he merely could not appreciate it like others could.

His friends made his life better, however, becoming animagi to accompany him during his rather painful transformations on evenings hosting the full moon. They could not offer much solace on the nights after the full moon, however. Following the full moon and the continuation of the moon cycle, he'd always fall rather sickly, alienating himself in his dorm during the evenings with a book and a cup of tea. He much preferred the quiet over his throbbing headache.

Until she came knocking on his door, that was.

"God, keep it down." He muttered, glancing up from the parchment of his transfiguration book with an expression of displeasure, akin to Peter's when the other marauders made rat jokes about him getting eaten by a cat. "I'm reading."

As if that was the upmost sacred value.

She opened the door and walked in slowly, mouthing a quick 'sorry' before closing the door softly.

"Bloody hell." Remus growled, sitting up abruptly and setting his book down onto his night stand, the parchment shaking a fair bit. He glared at her for a moment, before crossing his arms, still agitated. "What d'you want? If it's just to piss me off, it's working."

She frowned. "I thought you might've wanted some company." She spoke quietly, afraid to irritate him further. "I can just go if that's better, I'm sorry I didn't mean to intrude." She pointed at the door behind her as she spoke.

He stared at her for a moment, before his shoulders relaxed a bit as he realized he was being unreasonable. "I'm fine with you being here." He muttered, not looking up from her. He felt horrible for lashing out like that, it wasn't as if she had done anything to deserve his temper. "But if you just came here to bother me, then yes — leave."

"I'll keep my mouth shut from this moment forward." She reassured before pretending to zip up her mouth. She took small steps towards the bed before sitting beside him ever so carefully. She was acting as if everything around him was glass.

He took note of that, and it made him relax to a certain degree. "You don't have to act like I'm going to break, darling." He grumbled, trying his best not to get irritated with her again, though it was apparent that he still held some sort of resentment towards her for disturbing his peace. "Just be.. normal."

She let out a breath as her body relaxed, the tension now long gone. She turned and opened up her arms for him to lay down on her chest.

He seemed slightly confused by the gesture, though, for the sake of not arguing, he obliged and laid down in her arms, letting out a quiet groan of relief as he sank down and his head thumped against her chest. The warmth of her body instantly made him comfortable, despite his initial grumpy posture. "Thank you." He mumbled.

She hummed softly as one arm wrapped around him and the other went into his hair to brush her fingers through his brown locks.

"You don't have to do that." He murmured, feeling some sort of calm wash over him as she did so. Though, when she put her arm around him, he wrapped one of his own around her, curling the other over his stomach and burrowing his head even further into her chest. He was a little tense, however, as though anticipating something.

"I'm just trying to help you relax, so hush." She spoke softly before placing a soft kiss on top of his head before continuing her actions.

He blushed a fair bit, though he didn't let that show as he simply let out a small huff of amusement. "It's not that easy to relax." He mumbled, his forehead pressing against her, just enough for her to feel his breathing. He was still tense, however she was helping him. "I'm not use to people treating me like I'm fragile."

"You're not fragile." She spoke, pausing for a moment before continuing, "You're just a man who deserves some rest."

He chuckled softly, sighing a bit. "I'm more so use to being berated than pampered." He muttered, not exactly expecting anyone to understand his situation. "Everyone else expects me to be fine all the time. But, it's nice to know.. someone cares about my comfort."

"Everyone deserves love." She stated as if it was the most obvious thing. "Get some sleep, relax, you deserve it."

He sighed, still tense and on edge, but much calmer now than when she had arrived. "I think I'll do just that." He whispered, his voice sounding a bit drowsy as his eyes grew heavy. "Thank you again."

"Don't thank me, just sleep." She calmly spoke as she slowed down her movements in his hair to soothe him.

"Yes, ma'am." He joked, letting out a yawn as his eyes continued to grow heavier. Slowly, but surely, he started to drift off into sleep, his breathing growing even deeper as he was completely at peace for a moment; a feeling he didn't normally experience.

She stayed there the whole time while he slept peacefully, finding company in one of his books and snapping at everyone, and anything, that tried to disturb him.

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