☁︎ 𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐥𝐮𝐬 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 - 𝐣𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐰𝐨 ☁︎

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After returning over two hours later, spending time with Sirius throughout the castle, she returned to Regulus' dorm

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After returning over two hours later, spending time with Sirius throughout the castle, she returned to Regulus' dorm. She knocked on the wood of his door in her secret code, one she always did so he knew it was her. "Are you decent?" She called out.

A smug smile flashed across his face as he heard her voice through the door. He called back with mock innocence. "Why, yes! I am very decent." He feigned that he had been doing much more than he was actually doing, which was sitting by his desk, watching the entrance to the room.

"Come in." He spoke, though he didn't bother to get up and open the door himself.

She walked in with a frown, closing the door softly behind her. "I was expecting a show, but of course you haven't even moved."

His eyebrows quirked as he watched her frown, a hint of a grin making its way to the corner of his lips. "Did you expect me to be naked already?" He couldn't help the words from leaving his mouth. Not that he didn't want her to see him like that, of course.

"Maybe I did. Maybe I didn't." Her eyebrows raised in amusement as she spoke. She walked over to his bed, before plopping down into his soft duvet. "I suppose you'll have to guess."

Though he still had yet to move from his chair that sat beside the bed, his eyes watched as she walked over to his bed and began to get comfortable. He remained eerily still, though he was tempted to move over and join her. "Do you normally try to get your boyfriends to get naked for you?" He spoke, his tone teasing.

"You call yourself my boyfriend?" She asked, matching his tone of teasing as she went to take her shoes off. "You haven't even properly asked me."

He finally, after a bit of arguing with himself in his mind, made his way over to the bed. With a smirk, he joined her on the duvet, plopping down on his back with his arms crossed over his stomach. "Oh really? Do you want me to ask?" He teased. "Should I be a gentleman to you, my very lovely lady?" He couldn't help the smirk that grew on his face as he spoke.

She laid herself down on her side near him, only a few inches of distance between them. Her hand placed over her heart dramatically. "I'm hurt, truly. I thought you had the manners to do things properly."

His eyes narrowed as he watched over her overly exaggerated performance. He rolled his eyes playfully as he spoke in a mock-offended tone. "I'm oh so sorry, my dear. I had not know that I was so inconsiderate. I shall fix it immediately-"

He was cut off as he pulled her closer until she was now pressed against his body, his hands wrapped tight around hers. A grin was plastered on his lips as he spoke. "I think it's about time we made things.. official."

"Hmm." She hummed, feeling the warmth radiating off of his body, comforting her. "Is that so?"

"Oh, yes. I'd quite like the title of boyfriend to be put upon me." He spoke, still holding a smirk and a teasing edge to his tone. His eyes continued to watch her as he brought both of her hands up to his lips, placing gently kisses upon them. "Do I have permission to make you my girlfriend?"

A light pink blush filled her porcelain skin as she stared into his eyes lovingly. "I would be honored." She took a moment to take in his features. His sharp jawline. His high cheekbones. The chilling eyes. The way his eyebrows would twitch ever so slightly to the way his hair fell over his face. She adored it all. "My Reggie."

The nickname she called him filled him with warmth and joy. Her Reggie. The words he wanted to hear her say so damn badly. It was all he would ever need to know she considered him at the same level as a couple. His eyes were soft as she scanned over her. His arm had come to wrap tightly around her, and he pulled her in close, he couldn't help but speak. "Mine."

She suddenly started to giggle out of no where before speaking. "I owe Sirius ten galleons."

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