☁︎ 𝐣𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 - 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤-𝐮𝐩 ☁︎

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James Potter felt like shit for wanting to grin

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James Potter felt like shit for wanting to grin. It was a physical pain to him for him to keep a straight face as he morosely rubbed her back in what he hoped was a manner which presented itself as comforting rather than jovial. Frankly, he was giddy that her and her partner had split.

James was her best friend — he had been for ages, so it was only obvious that when she got her ass dumped, he was right there with her. He felt sympathy for her, shutting the open window in his dorm to cut out the winter breeze so she wouldn't feel chilly, getting her a box of tissues from his dorm-mate Remus' bedside table, and humming idly under his breath so she would not have to bask in silence when she had nothing to say.

But he did quite like the fact that she was now single, more than he would ever admit.

"Darling, get your face off my pillow, that's what the pillows are for." James mused with a mock-pensive tone, regarding her with his blue eyes that almost looked like an ocean in the light. Maybe it made him a horrible person, but he was loving this.

She refused to move her head, but instead lifted her hand to flip him off from where he stood leaning against the wall. Her sobbing had stopped but she knew for sure that her makeup had become smeared.

"Oh, darling, is the little princess crying over losing her big, strong boyfriend?" He asked with mock-sympathy in his voice, a grin curling up the edges of his lips. He couldn't help the pleasure he felt at witnessing her heartache, even if it was just a breakup.

"Look at the bright side, sweetheart; no more Rosier, you never have to hear his obnoxious voice anymore."

She lifted up her head to send him a glare. "You are the absolute worst at consoling someone in pain."

"Well, my dearest, I am trying my very best, but I don't know what to do when a pretty maiden cries at night. What else am I supposed to do?" He asked, his tone shifting towards sarcasm and feigned obliviousness as he feinted cluelessness, though his smirk was evident. "Shall I fetch a hanky for you?" He posed the idea, his expression deadpan as his grin stretched his lips.

She couldn't help the small smile that cracked on her lips. "I hate you, so much." She said as she leaned forward to slap his arm, his spot on the wall not being too far.

"Well, good. At least I make you feel something besides the misery of heartbreak." James responded quickly, still grinning. He didn't take her hit to heart, in fact, he took it as a sign of affection.

"If I was being the good friend, I'd tell you to get out of my bed. But if I'm being the fun friend, I'll invite you to stay. Which one are you liking more?"

"I'm liking no part of you right now." She glanced down at the pillow, noticing the mascara smeared into the pillowcase. "I'm so glad I ruined your favorite pillow." She smirked before throwing it at him.

"How dare you." He teased as he caught the pillow, though he could not maintain his stern expression for long, bursting into laughter as he threw it back at her. "I'm going to set your pillow on fire for that one. You are absolutely unforgivable."

"Then looks like I'll just steal yours in return." She shrugged it off as it was no big deal as she clutched the pillow against her. "Wouldn't be the first time I did that, now would it?"

"You won't." James challenged her, the smile on his face fading to determination. He might have enjoyed teasing her, but he refused to have his pillow disappear. The very thought made his shudder. It was his. No one else could ever lay their head where he laid his every night. "You better not even try, because I will fight you for it." He vowed, his tone becoming mildly serious.

"Or I could just come in here while you're sleeping and hog up the bed. Which do you prefer?" She spoke mockingly with a bit of an eyebrow raise.

"Oh, honey." He smirked as if that were the most brilliant idea she'd ever had. "You'd come in here, while I'm in the realm of slumber, and take my place in bed? You'd go so far out of your way just to be on the mattress beside me? My, my!" He feigned shock, his grin widening.

"That sounds exactly like something I'd want you to do." He added, his tone shifting to a flirtatious one.

She rolled her eyes as she laid back on the bed and spread out, turning to her stomach. "I might not even move from this spot for days."

James' smirk turned into a teasing grin as he watched her get comfortable on his bed. She may have claimed that she would not move, but he knew — he just knew that if he pushed a bit, if he flirted enough, she'd be putty in his hands. And by god, did he plan to use that to his advantage.

"Well, don't you look comfy. What if I told you I wanted my bed back? Would you leave? Or would you stay?"

"I'll just kick you out." She murmured as she fluttered her eyes closed. His bed smelt just like him, a perfect mix of coffee and cologne, and it smelt divine. "Congratulations, you no longer have a place to sleep."

He raised an eyebrow in amusement as he watched her close her eyes, his grin growing wider than he ever thought possible. Not even in his wildest dreams did be think he would ever have the opportunity to share a bed with her. And yet, here she was, taking over his own mattress. He wasn't sure who was luckier in that moment.

"You can try to kick me out." He retorted, his voice suddenly growing husky, almost flirtatious. "But I think that would prove rather difficult."

She let out an exaggerated breath. "Fine." She spoke, dragging out the word for as long as possible. "I guess I can share."

He chuckled at her reluctance to stay in the same bed as him. And yet, he was relieved that she had decided to stay. "Is that so? Does that mean you wouldn't mind if I snuggled up to you a bit?" He asked with a teasing smirk.

"Don't get too touchy." She warned.

"Who said I planned on being too touchy?" He asked playfully, shifting the bedsheets as he climbed in and got comfortable on the side closest to her. He snaked an arm underneath the sheets in hopes of her resting on it. "All I said was that I was going to snuggle up. Nothing else besides that, darling."

Her head scooted onto his arm, resting against it gently as she tossed her leg over his, attempting to pull him closer. A yawn escaped her, exhaustion flooding through her as the crying and bickering caught up with her.

He willingly allowed her to maneuver him to pressed to her, his grin staying big as he watched her intently. The sight made him feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside. She may have just gone through a breakup with her obnoxious boyfriend, but even then, she was too damn adorable to resist.

He shifted in his spot, his other arm now resting over her small frame. He didn't plan on leaving her side as she fell asleep in his hold.

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