☁︎ 𝐣𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 - 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 ☁︎

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She'd, to an extent, been skipping classes for the last week

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She'd, to an extent, been skipping classes for the last week. Half of the school thought she was missing. The other half just didn't notice. She was currently leaning precariously over the table in the kitchens, in the dead of the night, trying to reach a muffin—


"You — I thought you were dead! By Merlin, what are you doing!?" James Potter cried in outrage, standing gobsmacked in the doorway.

She ended up stumbling onto the table at the sudden scream, causing her to groan as her chest hit the table. "If I wasn't dead before, I might be now." She muttered out before pushing herself back up.

Her words and her movements caught his attention — she was alive — she had been missing for a week, and he had searched high and low for her. "Are you stupid?" He yelled furiously, moving to help her.

Her eyebrows furrowed together. "Stupid? What are you on about now?" She groaned as she was trying to rid of the sudden giant James sized headache she now endured.

He looked down at her with an utterly exasperated look. The worry that had crept into his mind moments before was now replaced with annoyance. "You." He growled. "Do you realize how much I have been worried about your well-being? I've spent the last week looking everywhere for you!"

"Did you not read my note?" She questioned the moment he was done speaking. "I had to leave. I'm back now." She spoke sarcastically as she motioned towards her body.

James narrowed his eyes at her. "You left a note?" He paused, thinking back to the last week to remember if there had been a small piece of parchment — he did not recall there ever being one. The irritation and anger was beginning to boil within him. "And where was this so called note?"

"In your robe pocket, where I leave all my other notes." She said, though it sounded more like a question than a statement. "Blimey James, did you not even wear your robes?"

His mind worked for a fraction of a second to remember the pocket of his empty robes. He remembered the crinkling of parchment being pushed into it, only when she informed him. "I didn't look." He groaned in annoyance, shaking his head. "Do you really need to be so secretive? You could've just told me verbally."

She flashed him an innocent smile as she shrugged her shoulders lightly. "What's the fun in that? I like to keep you guessing."

He exhaled, annoyed at the fact that she was yet again right. He knew she liked to keep things on her terms and that she refused to allow anyone to control her, but her secretive nature was beginning to bother him. "I've been looking for you — for a week." He spoke. "And you just let me assume the worst?"

"It's not my bloody fault you didn't read the note." She laughed softly again. "Besides, I find it adorable when you're all worked up over me."

His annoyance was replaced by a tinge of a smile. She was insufferable, but that's what he liked most about her. "You like it, do you?" He asked teasingly. "Me all hot and bothered because I can't find you? You enjoy that, do you?"

She placed her hands behind her back as she stepped towards him, almost teasingly, "Always have, always will."

He swallowed with a tiny smirk on his lips. There was nothing he liked more than the fact that the only person who could truly aggravate him was her. "Well," he paused, "I'm glad you enjoyed this little fiasco of mine." His tone was playful but beneath the smile, the annoyance was still lingering.

"If only I could have watched it all." She looked up as if she was imagining it with a smug smirk on her face. "But I'm alive, sadly, that's the only thing that matters."

James laughed softly under his breath. "Oh you would have had a field day with the amount of worrying I was doing." He smirked. "It was torture." A moment passed before he spoke again. "And you are alive, which is the only thing that matters." He took a small step closer to her. "But not the only thing I care about."

She pointed a single finger at him, already knowing where he was taking their conversation. "Absolutely not, that is my muffin."

Her words snapped his attention back to the important matter at hand. "Excuse me?" He asked, raising a single eyebrow. "Did you just say you claimed it?" He paused, taking in her words before continuing. "And by what authority did you claim said muffin?"

"I was here first." She smiled before reaching for it, giving it a small wave in front of his face as if she were a child taunting him.

His mouth curved slightly in irritation. "You can't claim something by simply being here first." He snapped. "And you certainly can't wave that said claimed muffin in my face like that. Who do you think you are?" He paused, taking a deep breath as the irritation began to boil up inside of him yet again. "Hand me that muffin." He said firmly.

"Never." She whispered, taking a small bite to provoke him.

"Give me that muffin." He growled, taking a step further, attempting to reach for it.

"My apologies, baby. It is mine." She whispered out as she took a few steps backwards towards the other exit. "Find an elf, I'm sure they would make you another." And with that, she disappeared from his sight.

James was left speechless, the only words he could mutter in response was, "Wait, wait, wait." But she was already gone, and he couldn't catch up with how fast she was moving. He was fuming, but he couldn't help the smile that plastered his face. She was infuriating, but she was his.

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