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It was late at night, but her throat was parched to a level that only a cold glass of water could solve

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It was late at night, but her throat was parched to a level that only a cold glass of water could solve. When she entered the common room, she had been unaware of the presence of another. But now, as she turned in the intent of returning to her dorm, the unspoken presence made himself known.

"Why are you awake?" Regulus' voice was icy as he stepped out of the shadowed area west of the staircase. "You should be asleep." He remarked, eyeing her with a neutral, blank expression. He was consistently unreadable, adamant on keeping himself as enigmatic as possible. Her being the younger sibling of his best friend didn't change his indifferent, somewhat irritated, responses towards her.

"And you.." She pointed at him with her glass of water. "Should be less creepy, hiding in the shadows like you're the boogeyman."

Her words were punctured with a dry, humorless laugh from him. A mocking, yet light gesture was directed towards said glass of water in her hand. "Ah, yes, such a dangerous sight. Don't be ridiculous; I'm not the boogeyman."His tone had a touch of annoyance and irritation to it. "But that doesn't answer my initial question."

She rolled her eyes as she leaned back against the cold stone wall, her pajama shirt riding up slightly exposing her stomach. "I'm allowed to be out of bed, but I believe your comment is a bit hypocritical, considering you're also out of bed."

"Yes, but that is where the difference lies." He interjected, though there was no real purpose to what he was doing or saying; it was simply for the sale of being a nuisance. "I have every right to roam these grounds as I please. However.. I doubt that you do." He teased; she had to admit, he was annoyingly intriguing.

"What? Are you going to give me a detention, Mr. prefect." She dramatically spoke with a mock pout. "Don't make me laugh."

"I might." He said, though his reply was anything but serious. A smirk appeared on his mouth as he shifted his gaze back to her. "That said, are you sure you want to keep up with the attitude?" He asked, his eyes narrowing and his tone taking a subtle turn to a harsher one.

"Barty would have a field day if you dared." She laughed. "I do as I please."

With his mouth continuing to hold that subtle, yet somehow sinister smirk, he tilted his head to one side. "You're quite bold, aren't you?" He questioned with a raised eyebrow and a slight chuckle.

"You are quite the pain in the behind, aren't you?" She shot back, growing annoyed with his behavior. "Go back to your shadows."

Though her comment amused him, he still continued to stand there, as if he were going to say something further. Yet a look of mild irritation appeared on his face as if he'd taken her response as a challenge of sorts. He began to step over to her until he was directly in her space. His eyes remained on hers, his expression still void of emotion.

A scowl formed on her face. If there was anything she despised most in the world it was people getting into her personal space when they were unwelcome. Her eyes narrowed as she looked up at him. "Now, what is it you want?"

He'd only managed to step over to her out of some strange curiosity and desire to she how she would respond in such a situation, but in truth, he had no true intention. Once he was in her space and he had her intention, some unspoken desire took over.

There was no apparent motive, but there was one thing that he was interested in at the moment: her response. "Nothing." He responded, his gaze and smile never wavering.

She let out a small growl before taking a long drink of her water, a mischievous glint flashing in her eyes.

He couldn't help but notice the way her eyes changed as she drank. His head tilted to the side, though nothing else in his expression seemed to shift. As he continued to linger, remaining in her space, his gaze moved from her eyes to her lips.

When he was finally slightly distracted, she threw the rest of the water onto his face, a satisfied laugh escaping her lips as she stepped towards her dormitory. "Goodnight, Black!" She called out in the mist of her laugh.

"Oh, what the.." He exclaimed as the freezing water was splashed onto his face, completely taken by surprise. "Hey!" He called out, his voice slightly angry as he tried to wipe the liquid from his face.

"You.." He tried to think of some insulting remarks or comeback, but it was no use. He was still completely shocked by her actions. "You little..."

Her laugh only grew louder, only stopping by the sound of her door closing ahead.

His gaze was fixed in the direction of the door where she disappeared. The shock on his face turned into frustration, then to something else entirely, his jaw practically tensing as he bit down on it.

She got away once again. She always got away, and no matter what, there would be no escape from the annoyance, but something in him would persist to go after it every single time. She was most definitely Barty Crouch Jr's twin.

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