☁︎ 𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 - 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ☁︎

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Sirius Black was already quite the romancer as it was, quite a casanova around Hogwarts, speaking words of flirtation with ease of smoke being exhaled from his lips when he'd cheekily sneak a cigarette; but since his friends thought it'd be a funn...

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Sirius Black was already quite the romancer as it was, quite a casanova around Hogwarts, speaking words of flirtation with ease of smoke being exhaled from his lips when he'd cheekily sneak a cigarette; but since his friends thought it'd be a funny little mishap to give him a love potion, he was insufferable. Insufferable to her, especially.

See, James Potter had wanted to get Sirius back for a prank that he had played on him a month prior, culminating in the sneaking of a zonko's brand love potion into his whiskey — a move which struck him with an obsessive, melodramatic enamourment with her, who as far as they were concerned, were nothing more than a rival.

Lily Evans, taking some pity on her, agreed to brew an antidote to the love potion in question, but that meant that the girl was left having to deal with Sirius, who thought that being pried from her side was utter blasphemy.

"Maybe I should get a tattoo of your name, I think that would fit the narrative quite well." Sirius smirked against her skin, his head nuzzled firmly against the peaceful hollow where her shoulder met her neck. His black hair was a mess, the tresses sticking up slightly; though he obviously did not care in the slightest, indicated by the low groan of contentment.

If he wasn't insistent on burrowing into her neck, she'd see his pupils were hazy, slightly dilated from the effects of the potion — all prior negative misgivings had disappeared, as if he was not the cocky asshole he was always presented as when he was around her.

"Hmm, maybe one on my hip. You'd like that, wouldn't you?" Alright, no, he was still an arrogant bastard, potion or not.

"You're absolutely insufferable." She huffed as she tried to push him away. Lily better hurry with that antidote before she loses her mind.

"Oh, now now." There was an undercurrent of teasing in his reply, his lips curling up into a smug smirk as a hand came up to tuck some unruly strands of her sleek black hair away. "You know you love it." He was relentless, his body pressing her back against his own, their chests just barely separated by the space of his arms.

"The sooner you admit it.." He added, his voice a breathier mutter, "The easier it is going to be on the both of us."

"You're going to regret every second of this when you come back to your senses." Her eyes rolled as she crossed her arms over her chest to place a separator between them.

"What makes you think that I'm not all here?" He smirked, chuckling to himself as he brought a hand up to brush some hair away from her cheek. "I can assure you, everything I say comes from a proper mindset. Not the potion — that just adds to the existing feelings. Not my fault you're so attractive." The word, the statement, came out in a husky whisper, his dark eyes staring intensely at hers.

She felt her cheeks flush as she diverted her gaze to his shoulder. She was so confident of her self just seconds ago, now she's crumbling away from a simple compliment.

The smile on his face grew brighter at the subtle change in her demeanor. "Now, see. That reaction right there — that is what really does it for me. Do you know how sexy it is when you blush?" He was leaning in closer, his warm breath brushing against the delicate skin of her cheeks as he spoke his next words. "If anything, I should thank James for spiking my drink — he had just made this little affair so much more.. enjoyable."

She took a minute to pick back up her pieces and place them back into the right spots to seem collected once more. "I'm not going to be another one of your play things, Sirius."

"You sure about that?" He asked, his eyebrow shooting up as his hand came up to run his finger along her cheek, his dark eyes narrowing in concentration as he inspected her face with an almost feral level of scrutiny. "What makes you think I am only in it for the physical?" He was leaning into her neck again, his lips barely brushing against the skin just below the jaw. "Maybe I want to pursue something serious, hmm? Something exclusive."

Her eyes flickered back to his as she leaned her head away. "That'll never happen." She spoke confidently, however she let out a shaky breath.

"And why are you under that assumption?" His hand, which was tucked gently into her hair, gripped it as he tugged her gently yet firmly back towards him. "Do you have a boyfriend?" He was taunting her, trying to evoke an emotional reaction.

"You have no idea how much I want to drag you into the broom closet right now just to get you to shut up." His voice was husky, a low groan as he leaned up her more so his body was pressed more tightly into hers.

Butterflies erupted in her stomach but she still tried to fight them off. "You're the biggest player in the school." Her hands moved up his arms, stopping for a rest on his biceps. "I will not be just another quick fuck to you."

He made a soft sound with his lips at the sudden tension in his arms, the subtle movement of her fingers against his bicep only intensifying the already present heat. He smirked as his voice took on a teasing tone. "So what, you don't think you'll make the cut?" The words sounded rather mocking, despite the teasing undertone. "Maybe my feelings are real — has that thought ever occurred to you?"

A look of shock spread across her features as her eyes widened. "You cannot be serious."

"Oh, but I am." He replied, his voice a sultry murmur as he brought his lips closer to the skin of her neck again, only for a brief moment. "Maybe I actually want this to mean something."

"Maybe you're special." He added, an amused snort at the last word slipping out of his lips as his brows raised in slight amusement. "Maybe you're the only one I consider worthy. Don't think it would be a stretch that I'm serious."

Her head leaned to the side as she felt his lips brush against her skin. "This is just the potion talking. Lily should be here with the antidote any minute."

"Hmm." He hummed, the heat of his breath still brushing against the delicate flesh of her neck as his lips curled into a playful smile. His hands slid down her arm until they brushed against the skin of her wrists.

"Well, she's taking her good ol' time." The dark eyes of the boy looked up at hers, a mischievous glint in his gaze as he smirked more. "What if I do something terrible in the meantime?"

A gasp left her lips as her hands went up into his hair, tangling themselves within it. Her head leaned back to get a better view of his face, a sense of desire twinkling in her eyes.

A low growl escaped from the depths of his throat at the sudden grip on his hair, his hands now sliding up her hips as he brought his mouth closer to hers, still barely avoiding actual contact. His lips hovered there, breath hot. His eyes took her in with an intentness that was almost predatory as he uttered his next words. "What if I don't want to wait for the antidote? What if I kiss you right now?"

"I'm going to regret this later." She quickly mumbled to herself before pushing his head forward to crash their lips together in a much needed kiss.

His lips crashed against hers and for a moment, he froze. The sensation of her body pressed tightly against his, her hands in his hair, the taste of her lips, and the feel of her tongue against his, all of it was overwhelmingly pleasurable.

The boy was breathless, his entire being caught up in a fiery, almost primal desire that had a hold over him.

In the very next moment, Lily barged her way into the room with a vial in hand. "I have the — oh my god." The sound of her friend's voice made the girl push the boy away, breaking their kiss.

Sirius took a small step back, his eyes narrowing in that brief moment before he felt the presence of Lily and looked in her direction. His lips were still faintly curved into a smirk, that glint of amusement still in his eyes, though he was quick to return to his usual, arrogant self.

"You took your time." He muttered, but there was a note of teasing in his voice despite the rather flat-sounding words. "You could have come earlier if you were planning to cockblock. Wouldn't have saved me from making my point."

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