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Remus, clad in a cloak of secrecy, positioned himself amidst the somber ambience of the forbidden forest, its mysterious allure drawling him closer

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Remus, clad in a cloak of secrecy, positioned himself amidst the somber ambience of the forbidden forest, its mysterious allure drawling him closer. The inky blackness seemed to embrace him, wrapping around his sinewy form like a long-lost companion. Towering trees loomed overhead, casting elongated shadows that danced with an eerie grace. Earlier that day, he had sent an owl to the girl, asking her to meet him at the forbidden forest.

She walked quietly through the corridors as the tightened the green and silver scarf around her neck. It was currently November, the cold becoming brutal to her sensitive skin. The trip to the forbidden forest took her quite longer than expected but when she arrived, she instantly spotted him. The dark sky helped to cover up the flush of her cheeks. "You know this weather doesn't do good for my skin." She greeted.

"I am well aware of your inability to handle the weather." He responded in a stoic tone. "You should probably cover up some more." A cold breeze blew past them as they stood, causing ripples in their clothing, their hair blowing in the wind. The clouds obscured the evening sky, and it was already quite dark. A small smirk crept onto his lips. "I suppose the cold is the only way to keep your fiery temper subdued."

She let out an exaggerated gasp before she quickly returned to her normal self. She stuffed her hands deeply into her pockets in search of warmth. "Why did you ask me here?"

"Do you need a special reason to wish to spend time with someone?" He asked, feigning curiosity. "Am I not allowed to request your presence? Do I need a valid excuse to ask you to join me?" His tone was nonchalant, his gaze fixed on some unknown point beyond her. He crossed his arms and leaned against a thick tree, not bothering to look at her. Yet, he knew precisely the position in which she stood without needing to gaze at her; he could picture her in his mind.

She stepped closer, only leaving a few feet of distance between them. "Touché." She spoke softly as another gust of wind blew past them. "You could've chose somewhere warm."

"I thought the forest was fitting." He said in a matter-of-fact tone. "It's secluded, private. A perfect location for a conversation that I don't want everyone to know about." He fixed his eyes on her for the first time, observing the way the wind blew her silky hair and caused her lips to quiver ever so slightly. "Why did you come?"

"I guess you could call me curious." She shrugged, though her scarf did a good job at obstructing it. "What is so important that you do not wish for anyone to overhear?"

The corner of his mouth tilted up slightly at her response. She was honest; that's what he admired most about her. "Curious, are you?" He was silent for a few seconds, taking the moment to think about the right way to explain what he had on his mind. He considered the idea of honesty, of straightforwardness, of saying it directly in her face, but that was not what he wanted — not how he wanted the conversation to go. "Let's just call it a... proposal."

"A proposal?" She questioned with a slight raise of her brow. "What possibly could you want from me?"

"If you come closer, I'll tell you." He replied casually, shifting his weight into a more comfortable position. "I can't go into detail if there's a possibility of us being overheard. So, come closer, dear mouse. I don't have all night."

At his words, her heart started to beat rapidly in her chest. She took a few small steps towards him, her eyes never leaving his. "So secretive." She teased as she stopped only they were only a few inches away from each other. She had to tilt her head at an angle to get a good look at his face.

He could tell that her heart was racing; it was evident in the way her chest rose and fell as she took breath after breath. He resisted the urge to smile and let his gaze travel down the length of her body. In her current position, her long hair rested on her shoulders, exposing the delicate curvature of her neck and collarbone. "Secretive, am I?" He repeated, his voice as nonchalant as before. "Perhaps, just a bit." After a short lingering pause, he finally added, "You have no idea how much I want to kiss you right now."

Now she understood his means for privacy. His friends wouldn't be pleased to hear him say such a thing to a girl like her, house rivals and all. "Then what's stopping you?" She whispered, her voice soft and smooth.

There it was.

He had finally worked his way up to that point. Her response was exactly what he had wanted, exactly what he expected and desired. The corners of his lips turned up into a small smirk. "I assume you know perfectly well what's stopping me. A kiss in this particular moment would be nothing short of scandalous. Not to mention, anyone could walk by at any second, and trust me, the whole school would know about it before you even reached your dormitory."

"Then why are we here?" She questioned him lightly as she tilted her head to the side.

"I wanted to see if you would come." He said softly, his voice barely above a whisper. "I wanted to know for certain that the interest you seem to have in me is real — that I am simply not a fool for making assumptions or believing in things I wish were true but not."

He paused for a moment as the cool breeze whipped his hair into his eyes before continuing. "But I also wanted to see you in a setting that didn't have hundreds of eyes constantly on you, a setting where we could be... private." He said, highlighting the final word.

"Interesting perspective." She commented before she took a moment of silence to scan his features closely, examining his scars at a closer range of sight. "Now... this proposal. Let's discuss."

"It's fairly simple." He said with an amused smile, tilting his head in her direction. "I want you to be mine." That was it. A simple three-word proposal, one that was bound to be rejected, but he had to try. He was prepared for whatever response she may have had; in fact, he was quite eager to hear it.

A small smile formed on her face as she heard him. "I wouldn't have expected something like that from you, all things considered." She spoke, referring to the fact that she was placed in the most hated house. "However, I'm not opposed to the idea."

He could see the faint smile that had materialized on her face but chose to ignore the fact that she was so nonchalantly accepting his proposal. He was not expecting it, and he would be lying if he said it didn't please him. "You're not opposed to the idea?" He repeated, his voice slightly higher in tone than before. "No hesitation? No thought process? Absolutely nothing?"

"Nothing." She confirmed. "I quite like the idea of us."

He paused, taking a moment to absorb her response. She was sure of herself. She knew her mind. There was no second-guessing or hesitation or thinking over the idea. She was confident in her response, which impressed Remus. "What made you accept so quickly?" He asked, his tone slightly curious.

"Maybe I like the idea of a forbidden romance." Her smile only grew, brightening the darkness that surrounded them.

"There's nothing more enticing than a forbidden romance." He agreed, unable to hide the teasing and playful grin that was forming on his lips. "The idea of something so dangerous, something that goes against what society says is right. It's the thrill of knowing something shouldn't be occurring, but doing it anyways. It's irresistible."

"It's fun." She responded with a bit of glee taking over her body. She was no longer shivering, in fact her body only heated up under his stare.

"It is fun." Her excitement amused him greatly. His grin widened as he took another moment to observe every minute detail of her features. Everything about her was perfect, beautiful, alluring. Everything about her was irresistible.

"You're not even the slightest bit concerned about what others would think if they found out?" He asked, returning to their previous conversation. "Not even a bit anxious about your reputation?"

"Let them think, let my reputation burn." She whispered, looking around before sliding her arms around his neck. "I simply do not care." She spoke quietly before pressing their lips together.

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