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Leaning against the wall just outside of the transfiguration classroom, Regulus Black waited patiently for her

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Leaning against the wall just outside of the transfiguration classroom, Regulus Black waited patiently for her. He always waited. No matter how set back he would be. When she emerged, his cold eyes locked in on her smaller frame.

"Must you take all day, my dear?" He asked almost teasingly. Almost.

He extended his hands, silently demanding her for the things she carried. Once handed over to him, he clicked his tongue softly and began down the corridor thinning with students. "I wanted to talk to you about something though." He began, keeping his pace to match hers. "Quidditch is this Friday. I expect you there." He left a little room for protest. He always expected her there.

"You know I wouldn't miss it for the world." She commented as she scooted closer to him to avoid running into another student.

For a moment, he seemed taken aback by her quick reply, but his lips tightened into a smile regardless. "Good." He wasn't going to admit it, obviously, but there was something to the fact she never complained about spending her Fridays and Saturdays with him just watching matches together. "There is something I wanted to talk to you about though." He reiterated as they rounded a corner.

"That wasn't it?" She questioned, her eyes watching the ground to make sure she wouldn't trip. "Please don't tell me it's something bad."

The smallest flicker of annoyance briefly crossed his features at her comment, but he quickly reeled it back in. "No, no. Of course not." He assured, looking back at her. His gaze took in her soft smile, her wavy, dark brown ponytail and her soft, pink lips. She was the very embodiment of the word "fragile".

And for once, he didn't look away. "Just promise me something."

She stopped mid-step, retreating her outstretched leg back. "Just get on with it." He always did this, he never got straight to the point.

He wasn't pleased with the fact that she had stopped. "No, no." He grabbed her arm firmly but not roughly, and gently but forcefully began to lead her down the corridor, away from prying eyes and ears that might pass by them. He brought her to a stop at an isolated portion of the hallway, his hand still clutching her arm. "Promise me that you'll listen to me first and not interrupt." He demanded.

"Fine, fine. I promise." Yet her eyes held a hint of uncertainty. What was so important that he couldn't say it in front of others? She crossed her arms over her chest as she tried to read his facial expression.

Finally he seemed to calm, letting go of his arm and leaning his back into the wall, eyes locking onto hers. His gaze was serious, firm, almost too intense, and there was a warmth to his voice now. "Promise me that you'll do what I ask, no matter what. Even if you don't know why I'm asking you to do it. Just promise that you'll do it."

"I can't promise something like that, I need to know the details." She pushed.

For the second time in their short conversation he appeared genuinely annoyed. This time he grabbed her arm once more, a little more roughly than last, and began to walk her even further into the secluded corridor, stopping in front of a classroom door. "This isn't a request." He warned, tightening his grip on her arm, and his eyes narrowing. "I expected your trust to come with our relationship."

She let out an annoyed huff. "Fine." She was definitely displeased, him using such an important part of their relationship against her. "What do you need me to do?"

The instant her tone changed it was as if he was a completely different person. The tension seeped from his shoulders and he smiled. "Good girl." He told her, reaching into his pocket where he withdrew something small and silver. "Put out your hand."

She hesitantly pulled out her hand, palm facing the ceiling, but not without a skeptical glance being thrown his way.

He placed a small silver ring into her palm, closings her fingers around it. It was cold in her hand and there was a faint whispering echo at her fingertips where the silver touched. "Wear this." He said sternly, once more letting go of her hand. "From now on, at all times. Always."

When she opened up her hand, she took quick notice to the Black family crest. Without hesitation, she slipped it onto her finger carefully.

"Good." He whispered, seemingly relieved and pleased. "I expect to see you wearing it from here on out. At all times. If you remove it, I will know."

With that, he took a step back. "Meet me after class, in the dungeons."

She sent him a slight nod even though she was filled with so many unanswered questions. "Okay." That was the only word that came to mind as she watched him walk down the corridor. Once he was out of sight, she lifted her hand up to examine the ring, and she only felt one thing... protection.

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