☁︎ 𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐥𝐮𝐬 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 - 𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭 ☁︎

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(TW! This imagine is inspired by the book 'Haunting Adeline'. If you don't like cat and mouse duets, move past this one! I wanted to post a special imagine for my birthday lol)

 If you don't like cat and mouse duets, move past this one! I wanted to post a special imagine for my birthday lol)

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She'd been shopping at Madam Malkins when someone's warm breath fanned over her neck from behind. Regulus loomed over her, his wand pressing hard into her lower back.

His free hand, branded with quaint tattoos that he'd mainly got to aggravate his mother, splayed firmly over abdomen. His movements were skilled, performed with the familiar grace of a talented death eater; he'd purposely trapped her between magic and brute force.

"Behaving yourself, sweetheart? His smug voice sounded.

She tilted her head to look down at his hand covering her stomach, the movements only causing his wand to dig deeper. "Bold of you to do such a thing in public, where anyone could see, don't you think... Regulus." She simply spoke, regarding him as if this was something formal.

"You act as if I care." With a smirk, he tilted his head down too. "I'd put you over my knee no matter who's looking, sweetie." He whispered in her ear.

She moved her head to the other side, a look of disgust taking over her features. "What do you want?" She spit out.

"You." He said, the single word dropping out as if it were nothing. His voice took on a more serious tone as his grip tightened over her belly. "You know how I've been watching you the past few weeks? How I wanted you since I first spotted you in Hogsmeade?"

"What a romantic." She sarcastically spoke as her body remained still. She moved her head to be able to look at him out of the corner of her eye with a look full hatred.

"I never claimed to be romantic." His grin grew wider. His hand shifted slightly and he leaned in closer, the tip of his wand pressed into her spine. "And you can stop the fake disdain, sweetheart. We both know how attracted to me you are."

"Oh, let me tell you." She started, her tone just dripping in sarcasm. "A wand in my spine really turns me on."

He rolled his eyes and brought himself closer until he could whisper in her ear again. "You know what really turns me on?" He asked, his tone just as loaded. "Seeing you squirm like this. You pretend to hate me, but you're dripping already."

"Oh, fuck off!" She gritted through clenched teeth. "Get off of me."

"Make me." He smirked, his wand pressing harder. "You're too pretty to pass up and you know it. You're going to be mine."

She let out a gasp as she arched her back from the pressure. "You'll have to kill me first." She spoke with venom, her hatred for him radiating off of her body.

"Don't tempt me." He muttered, biting his lip to resist the urge to chuckle. He pressed the tip of his wand against her spine again, letting her feel the wood against her skin. "Besides, I could always impero you." His smirk grew wider. "You'd be my sweetest pet."

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