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A baby

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A baby. The two had finally had a baby. It's been days now, she had still been recovering but it was as if some switch flipped in her head. All she could do was cradle the little thing. Remus hadn't even had the chance to hold them since they returned home. His own baby yet to be held by him in the love of their own home. Remus wouldn't push it though.

"Darling, you have to eat." Remus soothed as he made his way into their shared bedroom. "He isn't going to run away." He couldn't help but chuckle softly, his hand sliding into his pocket.

"I know.. he's just too precious to let go of." She admitted as she swayed the happy baby in her arms from her spot on the bed.

She could see the longing in his eyes as he looked down at the newborn. The corners of his eyes dimmed, as though a wave of misery had rushed through him. Without meaning to, Remus took a large step forward. He needed to hold his son for at least a moment. He needed to see, once again, that this was real. "Can I hold our little cub?" He asked in a surprisingly meek tone.

"Of course." Her voice was gentle as she carefully got up to her feet, holding their baby close. When she reached her husband, she placed a small kiss on the cub's forehead before placing him into his father's hold.

The moment he took his newborn son into his arms, everything ceased to exist. All worries, all concerns. Everything that the world may have been throwing at him was gone. It was just Remus and his little boy. His arms were wrapped tightly around him in a protective hold, the most affectionate smile plastered on his face. There was nothing more precious in the world to him than the tiny little person that had taken up residence in their hearts. "Perfect." He breathed.

"He has your crooked little grin." She pointed out, gushing over it. He really was a miniature Remus; same brown hair, nose, smile, everything but one feature. She couldn't help but admire that as he took a seat carefully.

"And your eyes." He whispered. His arms held him so tenderly. His heart was full to bursting. The baby was so light, and yet his presence was so profound. When did something so small come to mean so much? "What should we call him?" He asked, his gaze shifting over his son's face.

"I thought I would give you the honor of naming him." She mentioned before frowning. "I thought that it was only right as I took up so much time with him."

"Not enough time to be completely selfish, darling." He teased, his thumb absently against their son's cheek. Their child was utterly enchanting, and watching him gave Remus such a feeling of tenderness that he had never felt before, outside of one other experience. "I'm certain I can come up with some names." His words were distracted, yet thoughtful, as if trying to come to terms with the fact that this was real. "How about... James?"

"James." She repeated, as her eyes began to tear up. "Of course, Prongs would have loved that." She wrapped her arm around his broad shoulders, holding him close, as her head rested upon his before placing a small wolf stuffed animal into their child's arms.

Remus watched the plush wolf settle into his baby boy's arms, and the sight was almost too much for him to bear. He leaned into her embrace, placing a tender kiss to her head. James' eyes closed tightly, as if he was savoring the warmth radiating from the wolf. "James Sirius." Remus murmured, his voice almost choking with emotion as he watched his son's little face.

A tear slid down her cheek. "James Sirius Lupin." She confirmed. "Such a strong, beautiful name. They would have been so proud of you moon."

When her tears fell, so did his, and his lips quickly captured hers to give her the comfort she deserved and so desperately needed as she returned the same comfort. She had just given birth, went through the trauma of childbirth, went through hours upon hours of labor, endured the excruciating pain throughout. And in the end, she gave him the most precious gift of all. She had suffered so much already. And there was a time, where they wouldn't have believed they'd been standing in that exact moment. Holding their baby in his arms ... James Sirius Lupin.

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