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James Potter was an animagus, which was not out of place among his friend group known as the marauders, but to the majority of the wizarding population, it would be considered a measurable feat

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James Potter was an animagus, which was not out of place among his friend group known as the marauders, but to the majority of the wizarding population, it would be considered a measurable feat. But James just considered it as being able to turn into a stag on occasion and fuck around.

Though, the concept of turning into a stag and running around the hogwarts grounds while drunk sounded comical (it was), it came with some rather interesting questions the next morning. Interesting, and more so, awkward. For her of course, not for him. He took it in his stride, as with everything in his life, with the ease of a particularly cheeky niffler breaking into a wizarding household.

"No, I assure you, darling, I did not eat your homework." James drawled, his tone meticulously relaxed as he sat comfortably on the cushy velvet armchair beside her, the dark red and gold decor in the ambient social area being a dead giveaway of the gryffindor common room.

"Just because I perhaps can turn into a stag, and there is a marginal chance that I was drunk last night, does not necessarily mean that it was feasible for me to have eaten your homework." The young man added, combing his fingers through his tousled dark hair to create the illusion of it being windswept. He was smirking though, being the confident git he was.

She fumbled through her school work in her chair before pulling out a half eaten piece of parchment and shoving it in his face. "What would you call this then, hm?"

He took the half eaten parchment and examined it carefully, the corners of his lips twitching as his smug smirk remained unchanged. "A piece of parchment." He replied matter-of-factly, with the smallest hint of amusement evident in the way his voice dropped lower.

"James Fleamont Potter." She gritted out. "My homework!"

He remained unfazed, his eyes narrowing slightly at the use of his middle name. He knew very well that no one called him by his full name unless he was in trouble, and so he knew he was in hot water.

"Yes." He replied, the corner of his lips turning upwards once again in a smug grin as the half eaten parchment was thrust under his nose. "But it's half eaten." He added.

She growled as her face turned slightly red in frustration, any second now and steam would be coming out of her ears. "Get off it! What would Minnie say when I turn this in? Oh, sorry, James got drunk and ate my homework?"

"Would Minnie actually believe that?" He replied, raising an eyebrow in question, his smirk only growing more smug. "You really think she would believe you when you tell her that I ate your homework?" He chucked, a slight laugh escaping his lips.

"She wouldn't put it past you." She grumbled as she threw the paper down. "You owe me for this shenanigan."

"I owe you?" He repeated, looking as though he would burst out into laughter at any second. "I think you have that backwards, darling." He leaned forward slightly in his armchair towards her. "You should be thanking me really. I mean, you got the chance to see me in my animal form last night. You had been lucky."

"If I dare see that stupid stag come anywhere near me, I'll stab it." She threatened as she leaned in as well, growing more frustrated.

"Aww, and here I was about to offer to take you on a midnight stroll around the castle." He laughed, teasing her and leaning in even further, his smirk just growing. "I might have even taken you for a little ride on my back."

"You are such a prick." She gritted out in response.

"Am I?" He chuckled, his voice dropping lower as he moved his lips ever so closer to hers. "But you don't seem to mind, do you?"

"Don't seem to mind? Are you blind?" She asked, obvious to what he was actually talking about?"

"I must be." James replied, his tone and smirk indicating that he was absolutely not blind, or oblivious to her emotions. "As I haven't heard you tell me to stop, or move away yet."

That's when she realized how close they had become, embarrassment taking over her frustration as her eyes went wide.

He chuckled, watching her cheeks turn a brighter shade of red from the embarrassment, a satisfied smile forming on his lips as he raised an eyebrow at her. "Aw, are you embarrassed? A pretty girl like you? That's surprising." He purred, keeping them close, his hand twitching slightly as it covered her knee.

"You're quite annoying, you do realize that I hope." She spoke calmly with a roll of her eyes.

"Well, I can't deny that." He admitted. "Annoying, insufferable, irritating, take your pick. But you must like it, as I don't see you pushing me away."

Her eyes flickered down to his lips which were only a few inches away, lingering there for more than they should have. When her eyes met his again, she spoke. "I'm not one to run away from a challenge."

His eyes darted around her face for a second. His smile remained, his hand on her leg moving ever so slightly up her thigh as his expression changed into a curious one. He felt the tension between them, and though he loved pushing her like this, it could be risky, as well as incredibly rewarding. After a moment, he spoke. "Then don't run away."

Her mouth remained shut, her plump lips sticking out as she scanned his blue eyes with her brown ones.

His eyes remained focused on hers, his grip on her thigh tensing slightly. His thoughts were a jumbled mess, his focus was completely on her. His lips hovered only a few inches away, yet neither of them made any move to connect them.

"You still owe me for eating my homework, don't forget that." She reminded him to try to ease the tension as she bit on her bottom lip. Her arms rested on the end of the couch, keeping herself up right as she leaned against it, losing a few inches between their faces in the process.

"I have not forgotten." He laughed softly, as he moved his hand off her thigh and onto her waist. Just like that, the few inches that were left between them was almost vanished. His lips were so close to hers that he would only have to move ever so slightly to press them together. Her biting her lip was a definite weakness of his.

"In fact.." He spoke with a smirk, his voice lowering slightly, "I have the perfect way to pay you back."

"What do you have in mind?" She spoke with a slight teasing tone as she kept her gaze on his lips.

"I think it's best I show you." He purred, his grip on her tightening around her waist slightly, the tips of his fingers brushing against her skin. Then, with an impossibly slow and sexy movement, he moved his head forward and their lips finally met.

Her eyes fluttered closed the second she felt his soft lips against her own. Her hands moved up to the collar of his shirt to move him closer as their lips moved in sync.

His body responded immediately when he felt her grip around his shirt, and he couldn't help but let out a soft groan as he was pulled in closer. His tongue pressed against her closed lips momentarily, and then, with slight pressure, they opened up to him. James took the opportunity to explore with his tongue, his smirk growing even wider as she responded to him.

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