☁︎ 𝐣𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 - 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 ☁︎

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She'd experienced a lot of strange situations

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She'd experienced a lot of strange situations. But nothing was as strange as the situation she was thrown into now.

It was four in the morning.

A clingy, feverish James Potter was lying down in their shared bed. He was completely convinced he was dying after getting lost in muggle London, and then returning home with a common cold. Though the inky haired male insisted that he had caught the 'man-flu' and not some measly cold.

"I'm dying." James rasped dramatically.

She walked over to him with a chilled rag and a vial of her own creation. "You're not dying, now lie back." She insisted once she got closer.

He let out a hiss as he laid back, clinging onto her leg like a clingy cat. "I'm dying, you'll be a widow, I'll die, and you'll be sad... Oh, the horrors." His breathing sounded labored, and his pale face was drenched in cold sweat. "Just be my widow already... Make out with my corpse." He muttered.

She had to push him away in order to lay the cool rag over his forehead, but purposely put it over his eyes. "You're disgusting." She muttered out as she swirled the vial in her hand and sat down beside him. "Now, can you do this yourself or do I need to feed it to you like a baby?"

"I'm not a baby." He mumbled, sounding as if his throat was sore and dry from all the complaining he'd just done. He turned his face away from her , giving her full access to stare at his cheek. "Just force it down my throat, I know you can be forceful." He shifted, his face looking absolutely miserable. "How am I going to leave my precious wife all alone?"

Instead of answering, she took his chin softly in her hands and slowly poured the potion into his mouth. "Oh, for Merlin's sake, open wider." She complained in annoyance.

With a deep growl of annoyance, he let her do all the work. He was stubborn and hated being taken care of. But he was also too sick to resist her firm yet gentle touch. After she finished, he snapped his mouth shut, and pressed his lips together tightly, showing his annoyance at being treated like a child.

"There." She started as she put the cork back over the opening of the vial and set it down on the nightstand. "You should start to feel better in a few minutes, it's my best invention."

"What if you fed me a potion to get rid of me?" He asked, his tone of voice was jokingly. But despite his joke, his eyes gave a worried look like that was actually a possibility. "Oh, this will be so good for your career. You'll be all sad and grieving. I bet you'll cry over my grave."

"I'm not that lucky." She mumbled as she brushed his hair out of his forehead.

He had to fight the urge to reach up and take her hands. To pull her down on top of him so that she was as close to his body as possible. It only got worse when she took his hair into her hand and started to brush it with her fingers. "Stop. Don't touch it." He growled, sounding slightly annoyed but not angry. His eyes were closed, and a faint smile played on his lips.

"That's not what you said last night when I pulled it while we were..." She trailed off with a tilt of her head, her lips outstretched into a smirk.

James' eyes shot open. The memory of her fingers running through his hair and the sound of her voice in his ear last night flooded into his mind. "Shut up." He said, his voice sounding gruff and husky. He was embarrassed. Despite his sarcastic, arrogant attitude, he was still a young man with raging hormones, and she was his weakness.

She beamed down at him before she leaned down to place a soft kiss on his lips. "I could go on all day about it." She teased.

He glared up at her, his face a mix of genuine irritation and embarrassment, but after a moment of eye contact, he leaned his head up slightly to give her a deeper kiss. He groaned slightly, not letting her break away, but not stopping her from staying there for as long as she wanted to. Their lips finally separated, and it was only after their faces were inches apart that he whispered, "I'm supposed to be sick. Be nice."

"You should be feeling a lot better by now." She pointed out as she sat back up, smiling down at him, knowing she had him all flustered.

"Well, I feel a bit better." He looked her up and down, his eyes lingering on her curves before he continued, his voice no longer husky but dry and sarcastic. "Maybe you should kiss me one more time. Just to test to see if I'm completely cured."

She playfully rolled her eyes before leaning down to kiss him once more. Her movements were a bit slower than they were last time. She took her time even if she already didn't know him inside and out.

His hands reached up and cupped her face, he did everything he could to draw her closer to him. He deepened the kiss, moving his lips with hers as he took her bottom lip between his teeth, biting down just enough to make her gasp.

It was clear that his kiss had gone from playful to passionate, and he was hoping that she would get the hint.

She blindly reached over and pulled the blanket over their bodies as she moved to straddle his lap, a small giggle escaping from her mouth as she did.

His eyes widened in surprise as she climbed on top of him. It only took him a moment to adjust to her weight on his legs, and a moment after that, he swept an arm around her, pulling her back against him. It was then that he rolled them over, until he was the one on top of her. He smirked down at her, his hands resting on her waist, and his eyes filled with mischief.

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