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Sirius had never been much of a touchy-feely person

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Sirius had never been much of a touchy-feely person. But he could absolutely not stand the space that had been placed between the two in bed. She had unknowingly rolled away from him, leaving an empty space in the middle of the bed. When Sirius woke, he narrowed his drowsy eyes as he stared at her form. It didn't take him long to reach over and slide his arm between her legs, hook said arm around her, and tugged her back over to him. "I don't think so, sweetheart." He whispered, locking her into his embrace.

A small squeak left her lips as she was pulled into a warm chest. It took a minute for her to catch up to her surroundings and then she groaned. "Sirius.." She spoke softly, her tone unamused. "That is not how you wake someone up."

"Hmm, but it gets the point across." He replied. "You were rolling away from me. I was not about to let that happen." He tightened his hold, pulling her closer into him. He sighed in content and let his fingers run through her hair as he stared at her.

"It's not like I did it on purpose." She spoke sweetly as her eyes met his, a look of love filled in her eyes. "Who knew you could be so loving?"

"It's not about being loving, darling." He spoke, his soft, husky response was a stark contrast to his normally smooth, manipulative manner. He held her close, cradling her form against his chest as his fingers gently, possessively, ran down her back. "It is about claiming what is mine. And you, sweetheart, are mine."

"Afraid one of your dormmates are going to snatch me away?" She teased as her hands ran up and down his tones arms.

A dark glare darkened the once soft look in his eyes as she teased him. "They better not even consider doing so." He gritted out in a low tone.

He reached down and gently ran his fingers along her lower back, his hold on tightening. "You have no idea how much I love you. And I mean love you. You are mine, and I refuse to share you with anyone."

Her hands slipped behind him, running them up his shirt as she felt his muscles twitch at her soft movements. "You're crazy if you think I would rather be anywhere else but right here."

He let out a deep groan, arching his back at the touch of her fingers. He was unable to keep a shiver of pleasure from traveling up his spine at her touch. "Good." He whispered before pressing his lips to hers. He kissed her deeply and fiercely, he would ensure that she was his and only his.

She continued the kiss for only a few seconds before separating her lips from his, using her hand to push his chest. "Morning breath." She muttered. "Go brush your teeth."

Sirius gave out a grumbled noise in response to being pushed away. He rolled his neck around, as if trying to pop it and clear his head. He always a bit cranky upon first awakening. He looked at her with a mixture of annoyance, love, and desire as he let out a huff of air. "You're no fun in the morning." He complained.

"Blame yourself, you woke me from an amazing sleep." She laughed before shooing him away with her hands. Not only did she want him to brush his teeth, she wanted to stretch out on the bed and take a chance to fall back asleep.

He grumbled and rolled his way out of bed slowly, his limbs felt heavy after such an amazing night. She was always so exhausting. A small smirk played on his lips before he leaned down and quickly pinched her cheek. "I'll be back." He spoke before disappearing into the bathroom. She was asleep before he returned.

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