☁︎ 𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 - 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐤 ☁︎

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Clambering down the stairs, Sirius' laugh clashed with her enraged brother's yells

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Clambering down the stairs, Sirius' laugh clashed with her enraged brother's yells. It was only normal. What brother wouldn't want to skin his supposed best friend for kissing his sister?

"You swine!" James yelled as he took two, if not three steps at a time. Sirius had to admit.. it was a great kiss. He'd have to compliment that if he made it back to her in one piece.

The ruckus snapped her out of her own thoughts as she sat on the couch. Getting up and making her way towards the staircase leading to the entrance hall, she spotted the boys. "What the bloody hell is going on?"

Sirius shot a glance towards her as the yelling was cut off by his response. "It looks like your brother needs some anger management." He smirked.

Her hands ran through her hair as she just stared at them. "What did you do?"

He shrugged, the smirk still on his smug, handsome face. "Apparently kissing his sister is enough to get him riled up. A shame, I really enjoyed it."

She could feel her face heat up as her eyes widened in shock. "You told him?" She exclaimed as she shot her eyes towards the fuming James. "Why would you do that? You knew he would go mental!"

Sirius laughed loudly, a hand placed on his hip. "Ah, yes, I did tell him. I told him all about our little rendezvous. What we did. How you loved it." He paused to stare at her. "You did enjoy it, didn't you?" He smirked wider. "And the more I talk, the more livid he gets."

She had to physically move in front of James to prevent him from attacking, muttering curses under her breath. Sirius watched the entire ordeal with a smug expression and a confident, arrogant air about him. The more she tried to contain her brother, the more he laughed. The more James yelled and lunged at him, the larger his smirk became.

"You're both absolutely, bloody mental." She growled out as she tried to push her brother back up the stairs.

"And you're absolutely lovely when you're angry." He laughed, looking in her direction once more. "Oh, yes. I'm loving this show."

"If you don't shut that ugly mouth of yours, I will physically saw it shut myself." She threatened with a glare.

"You wouldn't dare." Sirius smirked, his voice and mannerism excluding confidence. His arms were placed on his hips. "I'm sure I'll be fine. Besides, I've got a tongue to defend myself." He chuckled, and he was about to continue when he paused, tilting his head to one side. "Wait. Did you call me ugly?" He feigned offense.

She seethed as she finally managed to get James to go back to his room to calm down. She made her way back down the stairs, stopping about halfway, standing two steps above from him. "And what if I did?"

"Oh, I'm terribly insulted." He rolled his eyes and smirked. "I am extremely offended. My god, how could you call a man with such good looks, charm, charisma, intellect, and style ugly? I would be surprised if that wasn't the greatest insult I'd ever heard. I think I need to sit down because that has utterly crushed me." He gave her a mock salute.

"You're insufferable." She spat out as she crossed her arms over her chest. She could physically fall asleep right there with how tired she was of his attitude.

"That's the second time I've been called insufferable today. Is that like the only insult in your vocabulary? Come on, you can do better than that." Sirius feigned annoyance and a look of distaste, tapping a long, pale finger against his lips for a moment as though contemplating what to say. "At least you didn't call me arrogant. That would have been a tragedy."

"Well, it is true. You're an arrogant insufferable prick." She narrowed her eyes, sending a glare his way.

"There you go again, with your limited vocabulary. Are you going to use one of those two words again?" He raised a brow, smirking mockingly once more. He was enjoying this.

She smacked him. Actually slapped him. Pretty hard too, enough to send his head flying to the side and leave a stinging sensation behind. "I can't believe I ever got involved with someone like you."

Sirius immediately put his hand on his cheek after she slapped him. The sting was felt. His face was immediately stained with red for a moment. His eyes flashed with rage. Without hesitation, he turned his head towards her, smirk still on his face, but he spoke with venom now. "You slapped me."

"How observant." She grumbled as she walked past him and down the rest of the stairs into the entrance hall.

He stood there for a minute, face burning bright red, before it softened. He followed her. "How dare you." He said quietly. "That was uncalled for and extremely rude."

"Your face is fine." She commented, rolling her eyes as she continued to walk. "It's your personality that is the issue."

Sirius followed closely behind her, keeping pace with her steps. "Why even bother with me, then?" He scoffed. "If my personality is such an issue, why have you been kissing me?"

"Trust me, it's the worst mistake I ever made." She sneered before she stepped into her bedroom, slamming the door on his face.

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