☁︎ 𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 - 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 ☁︎

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"You know I'm better than my brother

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"You know I'm better than my brother." Sirius remarked, regarding her coquettishly from where he was; head on her lap, intelligent brown eyes fixated on her despite how simultaneously tired and drunk he happened to be. "I'm nicer than him too." He murmured, his dark hair splayed onto her thighs like an ink spill. "Regulus is a twat. You know? He's so... pretentious." Sirius slurred. "You should get with me instead." He concluded, sighing exaggeratedly.

"You're drunk, and he would not appreciate a word you are saying." She spoke calmly. Regulus and her a thing, but also aren't; it was something she didn't quite understand herself. "I'm not even dating him."

"I know, but you should consider me." He teased with a playful grin, squeezing her thigh playfully and shifting so he was looking up into her eyes. "I'm better than him." He repeated, "In every conceivable way."

"I don't date." She said simply. "I don't do love. Affection is nice and all, but I could never be weak for anyone, let my guard down in a sense."

"Then you don't know what you're missing out on." Sirius asserted, his tone confident and teasing. "Who knows? I could make you fall in love." His brown eyes were teasing. "What would Regulus say if I kissed you?"

"He might just kill you."

Sirius' expression turned mischievously playful, "But just think of the drama that would entail, darling. It'd be fabulous. If Reg is jealous enough to murder me over a single kiss, then he's already fallen in love with you himself and he just hasn't realized it yet."

She ran a hand over her face, not even bothering if she ruined her makeup from such a move. "You're relentless."

"Of course I am. I want to get you. I want to claim you, be the person you let your guard down for." He gave her an impish smile. "Besides, you deserve better than him. I know it, and you know it. I'm right here, and you know it. Come on, kiss me."

She let out a small laugh as she leaned her head back onto the couch. "Keep dreaming, pretty boy."

"I'll keep dreaming, all right." He assured her, a smirk creeping onto his face as her laughter. "I'll keep dreaming of the day that I finally make you cave and admit how you feel. I'll make it my life's mission to get you to want me as much as I want you, and I know if I keep trying, you'll come around eventually." He reached his hand up to caress her face. "And I intend to make damn sure to succeed."

She shook her head before reaching out to the small table sat beside them, grabbing a shot glass and a bottle of liquor. Once her shot was poured, she made a toast. "To persistent Sirius Black, the boy who will never succeed." And with that, she took her shot with ease.

Sirius groaned and rolled his eyes playfully as he chuckled, though his gaze was still fixated on her, his brown eyes looking her up and down. "Touché." He muttered, reaching out his hand to grab her wrist to keep her in her place. "I'm still going to get you, one way or another."

"I cannot wait to watch you fail." She laughed with a shrug of her shoulders before pouring herself another shot.

"You just love tormenting me, don't you?" He asked with a small smirk, watching her pour yet another shot. "I won't give up till you give into me eventually, you know. I will not rest till you are mine and I am yours."

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