☁︎ 𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐮𝐬 𝐥𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐧- 𝐩𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 ☁︎

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Today would've been utter humiliation for her; here, she was attending Harry Potter's fourth birthday

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Today would've been utter humiliation for her; here, she was attending Harry Potter's fourth birthday. Her bloody nephew's fourth birthday. And yet, she carried no gift in hand. She had been so caught up with her own issues, she had quite literally forgotten the boys birthday to begin with. Her brother, James Potter, was sniggering nearby, as Harry bounded over in search of a gift.

But then, there was her husband — Remus Lupin — sauntering through the door like he owned the place in his well put together outfit that had been chosen especially to contrast, and therefore compliment, her own. Harry's eyes nearly popped out of his head with glee when he spotted the potion making kit her husband was carrying. "Uncle Moony bought me a potion making kit!" He announced with delight, sprinting to his parents with the gift now in his pudgy hands.

Remus lingered in the doorway, intelligent brown eyes on her, a smug smirk pulling at his lips. "It wasn't just me, Harry." He called after the enthused boy. "It was from my beloved spouse, too."

He shot her a sly glance, as his hand curled around her waist and drew her close. Everyone else dispersed from the room by the time Remus murmured in amusement, "I cannot believe you forgot his gift. You owe me."

She tried to hide her embarrassment, her cheeks and the tip of her ears turning a slight pink. "I'm so sorry." She whispered to him. "You really did not have to do that."

He chuckled, his hand resting against the small of her back, one of his fingers trailing upwards to tease the bottom of her neck. "But I did. And I would do it again." He gave her a knowing look, knowing how busy she'd been at the ministry — but at the same time, he would have never expected her to forget Harry's birthday. "Besides," He whispered teasingly, bringing his lips close enough to hers that she could feel his breath. "I have a few other things in mind for you to make it up to me."

She tilted her head to the side mockingly. "Is that so? Intrigue me."

The corners of his lips turned up in a half grin, clearly amused with her challenge. He leaned in more, close enough that she could see the light of amusement and mischief in his eyes, his breaths quickening and his pulse speeding up. "Tonight, you're mine." He whispered, letting the words sink into her body. "I plan to get what I want." With that, he pressed into her, gently nipping at her neck, leaving a bruise that will certainly be there tomorrow. "And I want you."

She had to stumble back a bit to prevent things from furthering, due to them still being near prying eyes. However, her mouth was opened in a bit of shock as she looked up at her husband.

Remus chuckled, his hands coming to a rest on her hips, his fingertips grazing the sensitive flesh of the small of her back, causing goosebumps to erupt. He could see the sudden shock in her expression, and could also see the subtle shiver which overtook her body — the body that so clearly belonged to him, and only him. In a hushed whisper, his thumb gently brushed against the curve of her hip. "We will take our time."

All she could do was let out a small gasp in response. She straightened herself before turning in his arms so she didn't have to face him. "R-right."

His fingers tightened around her hips as he wrapped his arms tightly around her, not letting her leave his clutches so quickly. He looked down at her as she turned away from him, his lips curling up in a faint, yet mocking grin. "Aw, sweetheart." He started, "There's no need to hide. I know what you want."

She leaned her head back against his chest. "Now is not the time, or place."

He shook his head softly, his eyes drifting to watch other adults tend to the children as they all opened the boy's presents, the chaos of the moment distracting them slightly from their surroundings. "Maybe not." He spoke, his voice low and husky. "But later? Oh yes, darling."

He ran a hand along her neck, his other arm tightening around her waist, before he leaned down so his lips were mere centimeters from her ear. "Later we'll be alone. And oh, how I'll enjoy it."

"Remus." She warned as her eyes desperately looked for her brother to help her out of such a situation, but at last nothing. "There are children."

He chuckled once more, and when she continued to look around in desperation for her brother, he leaned even closer and whispered, his breath coming in hot, heavy dashes. "And they can't hear us, sweetheart." He could see the subtle blush spreading across her cheeks, and the slightly dazed look in her eyes. He loved having that effect on her. He loved knowing that with a mere whisper, he could bring her body to life.

She let out an awkward cough. "We're here for Harry, I think it's only right if we give him our full attention. You'll have to wait."

He grumbled lightly, though at the same time he knew she was right. He was just so damn excited by the thought of her, of what he could do to her, that he was getting ahead of himself. His chest rose and fell sharply, the heavy breaths he'd been taking getting trapped halfway into his lungs. A short moment later he spoke again, in a much quieter and calmer tone. "Fine. Fine, you win."

"Thank you, my sweet boy." She whispered before leaning to place a sweet kiss upon his jaw, unable to reach any higher due to her height.

His chest rose once more from her kiss. "Don't worry." He whispered, his one hand along her thigh and his fingers ghosted over the inside of her thigh. "Later I'll have you begging for me. You won't be able to walk for days. So that makes it entirely worth it."

Her jaw fell open as she looked at him with shock. Her gaze there stayed for a moment before she practically ran to her brother's side to watch her nephew, hiding from her husband for the rest of her party.

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