☁︎ 𝐣𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 - 𝐚𝐟𝐟𝐚𝐢𝐫 ☁︎

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"Why do you do this? Every single time

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"Why do you do this? Every single time." James' jaw set in frustration, as he exhaled heavily through his mouth. "Always running your mouth, never giving me the chance to explain myself. And now everyone thinks I'm having an affair!" He fisted his dark hair, his knuckles discoloring from the force. "I can't believe you. I can't. You know I loved — love you, and you go and do this? What the hell? It's like you're trying to shrink our bloody chance of staying together!" His tan cheeks would usually flush crimson with anger; but they were pale, a telltale of his own panic.

"You can't believe me?" She asked with a silent laugh. "I can't believe you! I wasn't the only one running my mouth about what I saw, there were multiple witnesses!" She started to pace around the room, frustrated with herself and him. "You were all over that bloody girl, Lily! Do you not realize how terrible that makes me look?"

"If you'd shut your bloody mouth for two seconds and let me talk." James hissed, grabbing her arm and pulling her towards him. He was fuming with rage, but his grip on her was softer than he expected. "I can explain. She was nothing, a meaningless distraction. Yes, she has an appeal most girls cannot compete with, but she's not you." His blue eyes bore into hers, his voice growing softer; she had never seen him like this, weak.

"Oh, stop the bloody act!" She shoved him off of her as she snapped. "You always come up with these lame excuses when you get caught. I won't have it no more."

"Stop pretending you're some innocent victim!" She snarled, his tone lowering. "You're as guilty as I am, for letting jealousy rule you. You are the one I want. But it's obvious you cannot see past your own hurt ego." He barked. "Don't you dare shove me again."

"Then don't you dare touch me." She spit out with venom. "I'm not the one who went seeking another's attention."

"I had a weak moment." His voice was low and quiet. "I made a huge mistake. But if you don't stop with your damn stubbornness for a few seconds and hear me out, this relationship will not go any further." He ran his hands through his hair, his voice growing agitated. "We still want the same thing, yeah? We've been together for so long. We can't just throw it away."

She bit down on her lip roughly to prevent more words from flying from her mouth. She was seething, a mix of anger and heartbreak flowing through her veins. "Then speak."

After a moment of a silent pause, James looked her directly in the eyes. "Nothing happened between us." He said clearly, no hint of shame or remorse in his face. "That girl is beautiful, I won't deny that. But she was just a distraction for a moment, to remind myself why I'm with you." His hand reached over, gently cupping her chin, and lifting her gaze to him. "You're the only one I want. The only one that makes me feel this way."

"Please, don't touch me right now." She spoke as she closed her eyes, her hands slightly in the air at her sides.

The intensity of his eyes faded as James realized she wasn't kidding. He dropped his hand immediately, taking a step back from her. He hadn't known that his touch had upset her in his previous actions — usually, she didn't hesitate to reciprocate. He sighed, looking away for a moment and running his hands through his hair.

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