(Chapter 5) Betrayal

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Rayne and I had spent all our free time together, learning all we could about each other but giving each other enough breathing space as well, to fulfill our other responsibilities.

Months went by and our relationship kept on growing.

Feelings got deeper and eventually I like you, turned to I love you's.

The furthest we went in our physical contact with each other was kissing and touching, till now we have not gone the entire way. I knew she wasn't ready for it so not once did I force her. I knew she wanted to save herself for when she gets married and I was fine with waiting.

I guess in my heart, I knew I would marry her eventually, one day in the future because of the way I felt about her.

Every night I still watched her undress in her room before going to bed. I guess in way I got what I wanted because even though we didn't go all the way with one another, I got my satisfaction from her only, although my hands did the satisfying on me.

In my mind I knew I was not cheating on her, because it was her, that I looked at and satisfied myself, in a way I felt guilty about it because she had no idea till now that I lived opposite her and have being watching her even before I met her face to face.

Tonight I was feeling abit tired after dropping her off at home. I still needed to go and get some stuff for aunt Mady before I went home. Going to the shop and purchasing the stuff I went home, had my dinner with my sister and aunt Mady before going to my room. In my room, I decided to sign a few documents before I went to bath.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed some movement by Rayne's bedroom window. Going onto my balcony, I looked closely and saw her allow a guy through her window.

Now my attention was fully on that side, all the tiredness I felt disappeared and I sat in my balcony watching Rayne's window.

As usual her light came on, and I saw her undressing, then the light switched off. I stayed at the spot I was in and waited.

About an hour later, I saw her light come on and she opened her window to allow that guy to jump out, then shut her window again, switching off her light.

Waking up from my chair, I barely made it inside collapsing onto my bed.

I felt like I had an arrow shot through my heart by Rayne.

I could not believe it, she told me she was saving herself for the man she married but it was just a lie.

While she was denying me her body, she was instead giving it to someone else.

The next day, I messaged her that I had gone out of town and don't know when I would be back.

I did that until I could figure out what I planned to do or say to her. All the love I had felt for her, turned into hate at that moment.

I was soon to be king and yet I allowed her to worm her way into my heart.

I have never allowed any woman at all to get under my skin but I allowed her.

I gave her my 100% commitment and she threw it back at my face.

If this was to happen in my country, by now I would have got her punished for betraying me, but for now, I had to leave it.

Packing some clothes, I decided I needed a different scenery, so I drove off to my family home in a town about 120 minutes away.

There, I was going to stay until I could come up with a plan or make sense of things in my head.

Arriving at my home, I was greeted by Abigail our housekeeper there, who was really like another mother to me.

The love and attention she paid to my sister and I after our parents passing, made me feel this way.

Catching me in a her big ol arms, she hugged me tight and started fussing over me.

Smiling at her, I told her, I was tired and wanted to go to bed, but she refused to let me go without eating one of her famous lamington's and drinking a tall glass of her homemade chocolate milk.

Straight after only she let me go to my room, telling me that she would be sure to prepare a good breakfast for me when I woke up.

Kissing her forehead, I walked to my room.

Once in my room, I pulled back my covers and went straight to bed. Sleep refused to come because of all the thoughts coming to my mind.

I knew for a fact that I would never love anyone the way I loved Rayne but also I would never hate anyone else the way I hated Rayne.

Soon I drifted off to sleep and awoke early the next morning. I had nothing much to do, so I took my laptop and switched it on.

Looking at my screensaver, a picture of Rayne and I popped up, I went onto my settings to delete the picture but stopped before clicking onto the delete button, thinking maybe I should keep it so I would have a reminder of why I won't go into another relationship and let my heart break again.

In the middle of doing some paperwork, a notification came up on my phone, reminding me that today would have been 6 months that Rayne and I would have been together.

Turning it off, I decided to call Everly to check up how she was doing.

Her phone kept on ringing and ringing until it went onto voicemail, so I tried again, same thing again.

I tried calling the house phone, after a few seconds Abigail answered. I could clearly hear in her voice she was crying.

Panicking I asked her what was wrong, to which she replied "Nothing"

"Aunt Mady, you cannot be crying if nothing was wrong, please talk to me and tell me what's wrong"

Aunt Mady remained silent, so instead I asked if Everly was around because she would know what could be the matter with aunt Mady and would somehow try to sort it out. Aunt Mady was like family after all, just like how Abigail was to Everly and I. 

"No, Everly isn't here Kellen at the moment ", aunt Mady's reply came as she sniffled a held back cry.

Cutting the call, I tried Everly's cell again because she needed to calm aunt Mady down.

I honestly wanted to jump in my car and go to aunt Mady but after hearing her refusal to tell me anything, I felt Everly would be the perfect person to find out what happened and be there with her.

Trying Everly's number, there was no answer once again, so I gave up for the time being, deciding to try again later.

Going downstairs, I called Abigail to ask her to try calling aunt Mady to speak to her.

Maybe she could help aunt Mady with whatever was worrying her.

Afterwards I went back to my room to catch up on some work and got lost in it, forgetting to check up with Abigail if she had called and spoken to Aunt Mady.

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