(Chapter 27) Hearing The Truth About His Hatred

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Waking up, I looked around me and realised I was in Bianca's house. Going to wash my face in the bathroom, I couldn't help but cry at my faith.

"Why...." I questioned nobody in particular.

Going down on my knees, I sat with my head on my knees, crying from the pain, I was experiencing, when I heard my name being called from the other side of my bathroom door.

"Rayne, Rayne, please open up honey, please", Bianca called out

"Bianca I want to be left alone please", I said

"Rayne, The Queen is here to see you", Bianca told me

Getting up, I went to open the door to go out and I felt my dam burst when I saw grandma.

Running into grandma's arms, I cried and cried, until she managed to calm me down a little.

Taking my hands into hers, she said "We need to talk..., waiting for her to continue, I sat there as the tears ran down my eyes

"Rayne I know everything, I am not here to excuse my grandson's behaviour because under no circumstance do I agree to it, but I want to tell you exactly why he is behaving like a fool."

Showing grandma I am paying attention to her, she proceeded to talk once more...

Rayne when Kellen and you first got together, everything was going right for you both, but one night he saw a guy jumping through your bedroom window, that's when everything started. He pulled away from you. If I may ask, do you remember allowing anyone to jump through your window anytime?

"Looking at grandma, I laughed out loud, Is that the reason he is treating me the way he is because I can ensure you that I was a virgin right till the day before I got married to him. The person that always jumped through my window was my brother, he always used to go out without my parents knowledge, so I used to cover for him..."

Before I could finish, grandma interrupted me saying," Like I said Rayne, that was the start, now moving on why Kellen is treating you the way he does, is because...
Your brother was dating Everly when she was staying with Kellen and according to what I know, Arlo cheated on Everly and she tried killing herself. She jumped off a building and that's how she ended up loosing both her legs."

Falling down on the bed, I held my head in my hands, "OH MY GOD GRANDMA, that is so bad, with what happened to Everly but I think there is some sort of mistake. I never knew who my brother's girlfriend was but I know he had someone who he really loved but he caught her with someone else. Why would my brother lie when I didn't even know who the girl, was that he was dating."

Turning to grandma, I asked, "So is that the reason why Kellen hates me and is so nasty towards me?"

Looking away, grandma said, "Seeing Everly in the condition she was in, caused Kellen to develop this hatred towards you and your family.

I asked him multiple times to speak to you but he just doesn't, I don't understand why?

I asked him to let go of you but he can't, I believe it's because he truly does love you and doesn't want to let you go. Rayne, now that you know the truth, it's your choice if you want to see Kellen and speak to him or not, the decision is in your hands, but you will always be my daughter whom I have come to love so much, I want you to come home, but I am not going to force you", with that said grandma woke up from her seat and hugged me.

"Rayne, my child, I love you, please take care of yourself and I will come by more often to see you. Remember please I am here for you. You need to just remember how strong you are, put on your big girl boots and step into the world because the world awaits you. You have a heart of gold and with the career you chose, you can make miracles happen. Please for my sake, take today to pull yourself together and wake up tomorrow morning fresh and with your goal in mind, then go for your classes, you have 2 months remaining to become a qualified doctor, so do it my child" grandma said

Smiling at grandma, I promised to do it.

That afternoon, I took a nice hot bath and made myself look presentable. Then I sat and played with Lucia once she came from school.

While playing with Lucia, my mind drifted to what grandma told me.

Excusing myself from Lucia, I told Bianca I was going out for a little while to town and will be back soon.

Giving me permission, Bianca asked me to be careful outside, so I told her I would.

Reaching a cellphone shop in town, I bought a new phone for myself and a simcard to use.

Walking out the shop, I started putting my phone together when I bumped into someone.

Looking up to apologize, I saw that it was Dario, whom I had bumped into.

Smiling at him, he asked me, how was I doing.

I told him, I was fine and he asked whether I managed to sort out my problems.

Telling him, I am getting there, he asked whether I would like to get a cup of expresso. I declined that I was in a hurry but he said "We are friends aren't we?"

"Yes we are" I said

Reaching for my hand, he took me to a cafe near by.

As we sat down, I asked him, "How is your wife doing?"

Repeating after me, "My wife!
I am not married"

As he looks at me stunned, but remembers who I might be talking about and says" Ahhh, you mean the lady who was at my house?"

Nodding my head, I said "Yes"

That is not my wife, Aria is my sweet sister, Dario says laughing at me.

Apologising, I told him, that I thought she was your wife.

"No", he said

Like that we sat and chatted, though I didn't tell him anything about Kellen, his torture or the palace, what I did tell him though was that I was studying. Wishing me luck, we said our goodbyes and then left.

Going home to Bianca and Lucia, I spent my time with them before telling them, I was going to bed. Going into my room, I closed my door, took out my phone and called my brother, because he and I needed to have a chat.

Hearing the phone ring, I waited until I heard Ario answer, "Hello"

"Ario it's me", I said

"Rayne, baby, how are you doing. Why didn't you call me for so long. I tried so many times to call you but you did not answer", Ario blabbed on

"Ario, I lost my phone and only bought one recently, I miss you so much", I cried into the phone.

"Baby I miss you too, how is life there? Is he treating you good?" Ario asked me.

Not wanting my brother to know the truth, I said "Yes, everything is good here. Kellen treats me like a queen here" , I laughed

Hearing the relief in his voice, I said "Ario, I need to ask you something and please be honest with me"

Ario said "OK baby, ask?"

"You were dating a girl by the name of Everly, did you know that Kellen was her brother?"

Hearing him sigh, he said "Baby, I knew that Kellen was her brother, I just didn't tell you because Everly and I broke up and it was over, after what she did to me, I didn't want to mention her name again because till this very minute, I still love her, but I cant be with her and that hurts me"

Hearing my brother's reply, I knew that he was telling me the truth, and I believed him.

Changing the topic, Ario and I spoke for hours and once I was tired, I told him I got to go and cut the call.

Going to sleep, I thought to myself about my marriage, if only Kellen would have just spoken to me, he would have known the truth.

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