(Chapter 41) My Fear Of Dario

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2 months ago

I sat and waited for the nurse to tell Kellen to come for me. After a few hours, with Dario sitting by me, his phone rang, so he answered.

His phone was so loud that I could clearly hear the person that called Dario.

She told Dario that Kellen was on his way and that my nurse had been the one to inform Kellen.

Feeling myself starting to panic, I tried getting out of the bed but Dario slapped me so hard, that I was numbed with the pain.

After a few minutes my nurse walked in and Dario stood beside her silently.

I didn't see he had grabbed a scissor and was holding it behind his back.

Going next to her, he turned and stabbed her in the chest, causing her to fall down.

Now the panic really set in and I started screaming in fear.

Dario called his men to come and sort out the mess he had made, while he pulled me out the room, telling me to be silent or he will make sure he hurts my baby.

Having no choice, I walked with him silently till we reached the exit of the hospital and got into his car, driving off.

It's been 2 months now that I have been here with Dario and the abuse he inflicts on me is so bad that I sometimes wish for death to come, but then I remember that I have a baby to take care off in my stomach, so death wouldn't be a very good thing.

I needed to focus on getting out of here. Dario hated the fact that I was pregnant, which prevented him from sleeping with me, but he said it's only till I give birth that he will wait, after that I will be all his.

The reason he is letting me keep my baby is because he cannot have children and chooses to make this baby his heir, even though Kellen is the biological father. 

Day after day went by, being locked up in this room, I actually forgot what the outside looked like.

I was getting more and more depressed and lonely. I missed Kellen so much and even grandma, Everly, the palace staff, my friends from college and even the people I met everyday asking me for help.

The only time, I had company was when my food was brought in for me or when Dario came to sit with me as he did his work.

Even though I hated Dario but sometimes I waited for him to come, just so I don't have to be alone.

I knew in a few hours, Dario will be coming to sit here, so after having my lunch, I started tidying up so everything looked neat and tidy.

As I presumed, he did come in.

Pulling his chair near to me, he sat down, opening his laptop to work.

Sitting up on my bed, after coming up with a plan to get Dario to give me more freedom, so I could escape, I said, "Dario can I ask you something?"

Looking up from his laptop, he asked, "What?"

"Can you please hold me for a little while if you don't mind?"

Closing his laptop, he came and sat on the bed and put his arms around me, pulling me to him.

"Rayne, I never thought you would ask me, yourself, to hold you, I always thought that I would have to force you to let me", he said

Not saying anything for a few minutes, I just sat like that.

"Do you want to lay down instead, then I can hold you better", Dario asked.

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