(Chapter 38) Where Could She Be

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After finally recovering from shock and watching the ambulance take my bodyguard away, I knew I had to make Maxwell pay for his deeds and I made sure he did, especially for killing his wife.

His wife was supposed to be his better half, the woman, he was suppose to stand by through thick and thin, but he thought so less of his marriage and most especially his wife, he didn't value her at all.

It's very sad honestly, MHSRIP.

Going back into the palace, I saw Everly coming to me, checking if I was fine and unharmed, she caught me and hugged me.

Once she finally released me from her tight hold, I told her that I was fine and just needed to rest for a little while that's all.

Walking away from Everly and straight to my room, I went and sat on my bed with my head in my hands.

There I thought about how much at this moment, I missed Rayne. Sometimes just having her near me, could ease my mind and calm my thoughts.

Looking at the time, I noticed that I had about approximately 2 hours more till I had to go and pick up Rayne from college.

Going out my room, I went and found Everly and let her know that I was ready for our chat now.

Taking a seat on a chair in her room, I listened as she told me the truth about what really happened before her accident.

Once she was done, I stared at her, because I was lost for words after she told me that she had made a mistake and cheated on Arlo, so after he caught her, he broke things off with her, which caused her to try to take her own life.

She said that she was angry at that time, that's why she blamed Arlo for causing her accident, when really he was innocent.

Grabbing Everly by her shoulders, I told her about what her lie made me do, about how Rayne was Arlo's little sister and for Everly's sake, how I married Rayne, just to get revenge but over all these months, I grew to realise that I really really, loved Rayne so much.

Getting up from my chair, I silently walked out the room and went to mine. How was I going to make it up to Rayne, how could I ever forgive myself or ask her for her forgiveness?

I had to somehow, because I loved my wife so deeply, and wasn't going to let anything else get in our way again.

I was going to  go and pick up Rayne from college, get her some place private, then explain to her my side of the story and beg and plead for her forgiveness.

I would even allow her to give me any punishment she deems fit, just as long as she doesn't leave me.

Driving to college, I decided to buy a bunch of red roses for my queen, getting some red roses, I asked for a pink rose as well to be put in the middle of the bouquet.

Once I paid for it, I left to go for Rayne. Getting to the college, I stood outside my car and waited for her to come out.

Soon the bell rang and everyone made their way out, but Rayne still hadn't come out.

Deciding to wait by my car till she comes, one of her friends came to me to ask if Rayne wasn't feeling well.

Looking at Briana confused, I asked "what do you mean?"

"Rayne didn't come to school today which is strange, so I assumed she must be sick, that's why I am asking", Briana said

"Rayne left to go to school this morning, I think you are making a mistake", I said

"Your Highness, I am in all of Rayne's classes and she didn't come for any today", Briana replied

Starting to get worried, I called the palace to speak to Bianca. After a few minutes she answered, "Hello"

"Hello Bianca, It's Kellen here, please tell me honestly, did Rayne go to college this morning or did she go somewhere else?", I questioned

"Your Royal Highness, why would I lie, Rayne left to go to school this morning, I saw her and even wished her well for her day at school today", Bianca pleaded

"OK, listen to me carefully, go to my office and on my desk is a little black book there, on the first page is a contact number, I want you to call that number and ask the person that answers to meet me at the palace in an hours time ok", I instructed Bianca

Telling Briana, I will let her know when I find Rayne, I walked to my car, picked up my phone and called Rayne's number but it was off, so I decided to go back to the palace to question my guards at the gate.

About an hour had passed and still nobody knew where Rayne was.

Thinking that she must have  run away, I drove to the last person, I would ever contact for help, but maybe he might have some information for me, I stopped at Dario's house.

Getting off my car, I went and knocked on his door.

After a few minutes, I heard the door being opened and Dario stood before me, with a smirk on his face.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't our powerful soon to be King at my door!, what can I help you with Kellen?", he asked

"Dario, I need to know if you have seen Rayne today?", I questioned

"Rayne, isnt that your gorgeous wife, Ahh don't tell me you lost her already...?", he teased

"Dario, can you be serious for once in your life, just answer me, have you seen her, Yes or No?", I yelled at him

"No Kellen, I have not seen your gorgeous wife. Seeing that you can't even take care of your wife, I wonder how you would even be able to take care of this country", Dario said as he spat on the ground

Thinking to myself that this definitely isn't the right time to get into a fight with Dario, I turned and walked away, jumping back into my car.

Thinking to myself about where could she be, I called my detective to start the investigation to find her.

If she has left me and ran away, I will find her.

About three hours, I spent, going to the airports and bus stations to check for her there, but nobody had seen her.

Throughout the night, I went running from hospitals, to police stations, to parks but still nothing, it's like she vanished from the face of the earth.

It was only the next morning, that I decided to finally go home to freshen up before going out again to start searching.

Arriving at the palace, Everly and Bianca came to me to ask if I found Rayne, shaking my head at them, I whispered "No" before going to my room, where I locked my door and went to sit on my bed with my head in my hands.

Feeling hopeless and thinking to myself, Where could my wife be, Did she really just leave me.... ? Why didn't she come right out and tell me that she wanted to go away from me. Or that she wasn't happy in our marriage.

After that day that I hurt her, we sorted things out and things were fine between us. We had a small fight about 2 nights ago but after that things were fine between us, although I didn't apologize to her, she knew I wasn't so angry anymore.

So why did she leave me, I cried.

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